My first attempt at Tallow soap and Pine Tar soap.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
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These are my first attempts at Pine Tar Soap made from a recipe I found at BellaOnline, it is still spongy after one week so I have my fingers crossed. The Tallow soap was a recipe I concocted on SoapCalc, Tallow 630 gms, Olive 406 gms, coconut 280gms, Castor 84 gms, Lye 196.5 gms, water 532 gms and 30 gms of Lavender Fragrance oil from Bigtree.
I put 100 gms of White Kaolin Clay in with the Lye as a way to use it up and as I will use this soap for shaving it may be of some benefit. :D

Lovely! Let us know how they feel when they're ready. My pine tar seized like crazy, how sad. :lol: I'm impressed that anyone can make it work and yours looks great!
Very nice, I really need to make pine tar soap for my Mom who has psoriasis. Good job.
lovely! Pine tar is on my list. I still haven't had the courage!
dude!! (or dudette - i don't know for sure)

those look great!

how's the pine tar smell?

i too have family members who would benefit from the purported benefits of pine tar soap
I bet that will be great shaving soap and the pine tar looks good. Something I have not been brave enough to try.
Thank's for all the encouragement, I have been bitten by the bug and will continue till I can make soap that looks near as good as all the experts on this forum. The Pine Tar smell is not too bad, I remember it from my horse riding days and it brings back fond memories. :D (Dude)
lol :lol:

what are the measurements on your tallow bars, if i may ask? i really like that shape. it's a nice, grabbable chunk of soap. a nice big chunk, so you know you got some soap in your hand :p

seriously, though, i do love that shape
Cool soaps! the pine tar looks great! I agree with saltysteele, I love the shape of those and I bet they'd be great for shaving. I love white kaolin clay for my skin.
Soap Pics

Saltysteele said:
What are the measurements on your tallow bars, if i may ask? i really like that shape. it's a nice, grabbable chunk of soap. a nice big chunk, so you know you got some soap in your hand :p

This is the Silicone Mould I bought at K-Mart for $12 and the bars that come out are 85mm Long x 45mm Wide x 32mm Thick, I havent weighed them. Here are some Pics.





Sorry if its not too clear, I just washed them (The Moulds) :D