Lye Heavy Soap...Laundry Soap?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2011
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I have my first lye heavy batch, and of course it's my largest yet. Looks like some of the lye didn't dissolve on the bottom of my bowl, and the top of my soap has little dots, looks like white poppy seeds. Only thing it can be is lye. Can I grate it down and use it for laundry soap, or is it just plain garbage? I just tried a sample piece that didn't have any dots, and it did not burn or zap. If they're just on top, can I shave them off? It doesn't burn when I touch them.
if it were me... id just throw the batch away. there's no reason to risk something like that - getting lye on your clothes or skin after the clothes came out of the wash. if you want to try it, it might be okay, just because there is a large ratio of water to soap you're using to wash clothes, but id still go on the safe side and throw it out.

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