lotions and butters etc.

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Dec 31, 2011
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Can someone please tell me what special things I need to do if I purchase already prepared lotion, body wash etc. and just add fragrance and color in order to sell it. It is already aproved by the FDA right? So other then labeling correctly with all ingrediants is there anything else I need to do to be legal? Thanks for your help
Yea you need to put ingredients on labels on your individual products made using the lotion base/soap base. You shouldn't use storebought bases. i'm not sure if you're asking about adding fragrance to say...a bottle of white rain body wash....or if you are asking about adding it to goatsmilk liquid soap base from brambeberry or some similar soap supply store. The whole purpose of making handmade soap, lotions and other products is that you avoid sulfates and other harmful chemicals from being in the product you produce. People who buy handmade bath products buy it believing it's good wholesome stuff, you really shouldnt mislead them by using commercial products as a base. If you are using a soap base or lotion base from a soap supply store, most of them have a list of ingredients attatched, when you do your label, put those ingredients just as they are listed + whatever ingredients you add yourself. Remember when you are making lotion specifically you need to make sure everything you are working with is completely sterile because bacteria tends to grow in lotions....using a preservative is also important in those.
Are you talking about the lotion and wash bases from suppliers like Brambleberry? If so, then yes - they're already been tested for safety and preservative efficacy. If you're only adding color and fragrance, then you don't have to have them tested before selling. You use their ingredient list and add whatever fragrance and color ingredients at the end of the list for your ingredient label.

Although this post refers to soap, it does give info about selling - insurance, business license, etc. If you haven't read it already, it will be helpful to clarify what needs to be done before you start selling.


Also helpful if you haven't already seen it.


eta: EnchantedSoaps mentioned sterile - You do want to follow good manufacturing practices - clean work environment, utensils, containers and wear gloves, hairnet, etc. Just google "good manufacturing practices for homebased business" and you'll find the guidelines.