lotion bar for the face???

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2009
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My husband approached me with the question, "can you make a lotion bar that can be used on the face and not cause me to break out?" I hadn't really thought of it before, but he travels a lot and loves the ease of regular lotion bars and I always give him my bars of soap that turn out ugly :wink: . He hates to carry bottles of lotion or liquids because they always seem to leak in his bags.

So can you use these on your face? Does anyone have a suggestion for a recipe formulation that would be extremely gentle...he has very sensitive skin.
I too have terribly sensitive skin on my face: cystic acne and oiliness yet dry at the same time (if that makes sense!) If I were to make a lotion bar for the face I'd use only shea butter, jojoba and grapeseed oil - they are the ones to never break me out. Other than that I'd add a few EOs like lavender and tea tree. Still, I don't think that would be very moisturizing though. Good luck with it!
I didn't think it would be a good idea, but you never know until you ask! Sometimes there is a great idea out there. We will try the different bottles in a zip bag for now...and I will try the olive oil! If it starts to break me out, I will try one of the others mentioned.

Thanks everyone!