Leopard print soap - I think I may have found the answer!!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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Ever wanted that special leopard print bar of soap to go with your leopard print apparel???? I think I accidentally discovered a way to achieve the effect.

I over blended and wound up with really really thick trace - like those thick jelly vanilla custard thingies. I had to start pouring it into the mould or it would've made a very nice bucket-shaped soap - in the meantime, the coloured portion of the mixture was hanging out at thin trace. Only a chancer like me would think to just pour the thin trace into the custard trace, and attempt to swirl the porridge!!!!

It didnt look pretty - sort of somewhere between like mushed Kraft Mac n Cheese and synthetic BBQ sauce. Good news is - I turned it out today and it looks much like animal hide - like leopard print - well except that it has yellowy spots and the veining is redbrown. Can I call this technique the "Tincan Botch"?
Ok - will try as soon as I work out why my camera doesnt work all of sudden!!!
I can't wait to see the pic's sounds like a winner to me. :)

Hey guys

Holding breath for pics was in vain - the soap dont looks so cool no more - I posted pics under a new title - BOOHOO - the leopard has lost its spots in the forum, with the pix - VERY SAD SOAPMAKER TODAY