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Soap Diva Queen
Supporting Member
Nov 1, 2008
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Happy New Year!!!

So what was your last 2008 soap & what is or will be your first 2009 soap?

My last soap was my Doggie Shampoo for re-stocking and my first soap will either be another batch of Kitchen Soap or Rosemary Mint as I need to restock both. Then I can start on my rose petal soaps for Valentines.

Happy New Year !!!

My last soap was the Coconut Juice Soap and I think my first this year is going to be a strawberry soap or a florial soap?? Can't decide....also dont know if its going to be CP or HP?? I need to make more solid goals this year.... :roll:
Soap pots sing

And how else would one measure ones moments in life but by that batch os soap and when.
I can see us as little oldies doing the I remember thing ,every year will be puctuated by our soaping success stories and our lesser ones.
:idea: Lindy You inspired me with that thread I read on your Dog Soap selling and as that is a major step in your selling journey how appropriate to kiss 2008 goodbye with that.
Once apon a time thread tells my story 8) 8) 8) .I am thinking the name it self probably influenced the direction of that soaping story. As soon as you hear that title one alsmost expects a chapter or two.But always a happy ending.
Can't wait to hear everyone elses list. :lol:
Thanks Mary - I have a lot of hope for that one for 2009 and it is actually going to be the very first soap I unmold in 2009. The Rosemary Mint is in the oven right now and once it's done then I can get my Kitchen Soap done too so I can be free to play with my rose petals.... :D :D :D

ABIGTROUT I loved your Coconut Soap - it is so pretty and yummy looking - I am looking forward to seeing your first 2009 batch... :D :D

Happy New Year to you too Lindy!

My last soap of '08 was an uncoloured Ricebran, Buttermilk & Shea which I attempted to keep ungelled - with mixed results :? The mould I used was a 12 bar divided mould and I popped it in the fridge straight after pouring to keep it cool enough.......when I checked it 1 1/2 hours later the centre (about half the mix) was gelling like crazy! I put it in my freezer and that stopped the gel in its tracks. So the two centre bars are fully gelled and the rest have interesting large gelled areas :lol: At least I get to see the difference in one batch of gelled/ungelled soap and I will keep a couple of half-n-half to see how they continue soaping wise, the rest I will rebatch. Also the gelled area developed soda ash on top and the ungelled didn't......learning lots here! I like both colour tones so I will make it both ways in future.....just NOT in the same batch :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

My first batch for '09 will be my first whipped soap. I have been visualising it for a day or two now and am so excited about what I can achieve :wink:

Lindy, I am so looking forward to pics of your Valentine's soap....I love rose petals and will included them in a soap soon too. Starduster, your Once Upon a Time will definitely be an adventure story - the best kind! ABT - your tutuorials are excellent and your coconut milk soap so yummy....keep them coming!

Tanya :)
My last soap for 2008 was a small 500gm batch of 100% olive oil soap that I made for the lady next door to me who is having a baby in March. Thought I would get started on that because I knew it would have a long cure time. I dissolved a little sugar in my water before I put the lye in. It didn't take too long to trace, and I coloured it a pale pink colour, but left it unscented. It will be for a newborn baby hamper that I am going to put together with some other goodies, face washers, sponges etc. It filled 7 moulds that I have, oval and wave/oval shapes. I put this one in the fridge so it didn't gel and it came out a lovely creamy pink opaqueness. I am very happy with that batch, so my next batch for 2009 will probably be another of the same. I just want to be sure that I can replicate an exact batch time and time again. That's my quality control departments speaking out!!
My last soap was peppermint for my daughter, and my first was Lavender cream for my co-workers.
I just made this, cp, at trace it was a carmel color. Probably from the lavender infused water, sure hope it lightens up a little. I made a double batch, poured into flower silicone muffin pan. Maybe pics tommorrow.

4 oz. olive oil
2.5 oz coconut oil
1.5 oz. palm oil
1.12 oz. Lye
2.5 oz. lavender infused water
1 oz. half-n-half
1/4 fl. oz. lavender essential oil 1.5tsp
1/4 tsp. freesia fragrance oil
Thanks MamaT
One question, is "Half'n'Half" low fat milk or cream? I don't think we have anything by that name here, but if I know what it is I can find it.
Also, another question for Topcat if she passes by here...
Where do you get your buttermilk powder from?

lavender and freesia sounds lovely! i never thought to blend them, and i love them both. looks like a really moisturing bar. i love those rose molds! must post pics!
ChrissyB said:
Thanks MamaT
One question, is "Half'n'Half" low fat milk or cream? I don't think we have anything by that name here, but if I know what it is I can find it.
Also, another question for Topcat if she passes by here...
Where do you get your buttermilk powder from?

Hi Chrissy!

I get my buttermilk powder from Aussie Soap Supplies - they are closed till 19th Jan and they have a minimum order of $40.00 excluding freight. I ordered 500gm and that's a LOT of powder! ... r-469.html


Tanya :)
Half and half is 1/2 milk, 1/2 cream that is sold here in the grocery stores, some people that drink coffee use it rather than milk or cream.

My last soap was a patchouli scented hot process soap (my first time doing CPHP! It was a success!)

My first soap in 2009 will probably be lavender, sage & rosemary scented CP. Just waiting for my new TOG mold to come in so I can get started. The wait is killing meeeee!
My last soap was Bayberry Shaving Soap using some of Paul's tips like sugar & coconut powder.

My first for 2009 is going to be what I'm making today for MEEEEEE - a recipe with lots of hempseed oil & scented with amber, sandalwood & patchouli. It's my Old Hippy Chic soap. :lol: :lol:
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My last soap of 2008 was made on Dec. 31. I made one pound of my shea butter-lard-olive oil soap and scented it with BCN's Cedar and Saffron. I used my most favorite little TOG and I got gorgeous gel. The whole house smells good and the soap is a natural saffron color from the FO. I have made this exact soap before and it is a big favorite with the guys. This batch is for my son-in-law...all for him. My next batch...if I get off the computer and get cracking....will be today. I plan on making a small batch of the same shea butter recipe as above, scented with Hawaiian Sandalwood from Tradewinds. I have been hoarding this bottle...time to actually make soap with it. I am a great hoarder of FOs.

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