Laser thermometers

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Active Member
Nov 24, 2010
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I found a place where I can get a nice laser thermometer pretty cheap and am wondering this: would they only measure the temp of the surface of my soap and would the surface temp be different from the middle enough to matter? I have wanted one of these for a long time as I have 2-3 thermometers that always read different!!
I don't have a laser thermometer so I can't give a 'first-hand' answer, but your question had me curious, so I did a web-search under "+laser thermometers +disadvantages". From what I've read so far, many are reporting that the only major disadvantage with using a laser thermometer seems to be that shiny things can skew your temp reading. For example, if you are trying to measure the temp of something in a shiny pot, any reflected light that bounces back to the laser thermometer from the pot can make the thermometer give you a false reading. One website suggested to place a piece of black electric tape to the shiny surface and focus the aim of your laser on the black tape so that no light is reflected back.

Hopefully someone who has used one will chime in soon.

IrishLass :)
ok-thanks for the input Irish-I guess we'll wait to see if anyone else uses them will give their opinion on that. I also make my own yogurt so wanted it for that too.
I use one to do quick checks of my soaping oils and lye and I love it.

It's also useful to see if my soap is gelling. It only does surface temp but one can extrapolate from that if the temperature continues to rise.
I use one as well. I really like it. It does measure the surface temp, but I always stir before I use it.
I have one and love it. Yes it does measure surface so stir whatever you are temping.
Thanks for the comments Ladies, I am looking forward to using mine. I was hoping that I wasn't throwing my money away on a "new fangled" thing that wasn't worth it!!!! :D
I would love to get one too. I made my first batch of 100% coconut milk soap today and could of used one badly when I was adding the lye. It's on the top of my list now. :)
I have one as well and I feel it is much easier to use than a regular thermometer. As others have said, it measures surface temp. Be sure to keep that in mind.