Thank you guys! It's funny, I'm sooooo insecure about how my soaps look because now I feel like I should have gotten different molds, and I keep asking my hubby questions like:
Me: "I want to show you my soap." (A citrus soap I was pleased with)
Him: "Nice." (after looking at it hands it back)
Me: "Do you think it's pretty?"
Him: "No, not really."
Me: "Is it the color?"
Him: "No."
Me: "Is it the mold/shape?"
Him: "Yeah."
Me: "It would look pretty if it had a little design on it?"
Him: "Probably."
Me: "Does the plain shape make it ugly?"
Him: "No."
Me: "Just not pretty?"
Him: "Yep."
Me: "Do you think people will buy it still or do you think the plainness will keep them from buying?"
Him: (falling asleep) "No."
Me: "No, people won't buy them or no, people will buy them?"
Him: "Hrmm?" (really falling asleep)
Me: ""No, people won't buy them or no, people will buy them?"
Him: "What was the original question again?"
Needless to say, hubby is not exactly the best focus group for testing my products, LOL!