just a little lard....

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Pickens, SC
just for wonderful diversity.... I'm going to develop a recipe using a little lard with my other oils....OO, CO, maybe PO. I've never used lard before in soap making.... can anyone offer any special advise that I need to know ?

Will my soap be as long lasting (spoilage) with lard as it is with the other oils ?
I tried , just for fun. I like the feel of the soap, It had a slight odor, I cured it a long time. Didnt like it, wouldnt do again. I know many people on her love it.
I never have any "odor" from lard (I use commercially available stuff). The soap is stable - lasts forever as do my other soaps.

if you render yoru own there may be issues.
I love Lard soap for my personal use. The bars last for ever. I have a few that are over 3 years old and still smell and look like the day 1. Some people don't like lard soap, but for me it's the best soap and most cost effective. I use it for washing dishes, laundry, bathing and general cleaning.
I've made many bars using lard and I have never detected a foul odor in my finished product. I like to incorporate 2 or 3 oz (usually in a 2 or 3 lb batch) because it helps to make a bar lighter in color and when cured it is very hard.
My 3 major recipes use OO, CO and PO with a little castor and shea thrown in sometimes.

I wanted to develop another recipe with a different oil..something cheaper and locally available.... I do have some lard that I bought last year...maybe sunflower of canola would be good too !

Since all of my soaps use at least 50% Goat Milk and a little honey... do you see any problems with using maybe 10% lard or another oil as a complement.
I love lard in soaps. I started using it for the first time about 1 1/2 to 2 years ago or so, and so far my lard soaps have never exhibited any off-scents, even when I've heated it upwards of 140 degressF (by accident once :oops: ). I use either the Armour brand lard or the SnoCap lard.

IrishLass :)
Lard is very similar to palm oil in the properties it brings to the soap, so you might want to bear that in mind when formulating your recipe.

I overheated it once and oh it smelt so bad. It really did smell like a barnyard. I don't think it's as easy to get over here as it is over there. Tallow, on the other hand is very easy to get.
oh I LOVE soaping with tallow. it is hands down my favorite soaping oil.
I love using lard in my soap recipes. It gives my soap a creaminess that I do not get from the all vegetable recipes that I've tried.
I like lard too, most advice regarding the smell is to heat it very gently, it does work, if you blast away at it, it can pong.