Lord, I could give you a million...Im big into juicing, my mother got me into it but since I cant really afford to buy too much now, I dont do it as often..I got one of those Juicelady machines from my mom...i love that thing!...
as for the beets, no you dont need to cook them first (cooking will also rob them of nutrient value because it breaks down the cells...jucing is beneficial when you use the freshest (and most ALIVE) ingredients you can...also juice the beet tops, theyre PACKED with nutrients! In my experience beets go through the juicer better when you cut them into little blocks lengthwise like strips
Some good blends to try:
"Summergrass"--my personal favorite and it is GREAT for you..
wheat grass juice
apple (1-2)
juice of 1 lemon
(optional sweetener-juice of one piece sugar cane)
also you can juice parsley and cilantro both mixed with lemon juice and applejuice...great mixes and both of those green veggies have been proven to remove heavy metals from the body, they both act as natural 'pick me ups' in the morning too...use them in ploace of coffee, you get more energy from parsley and cilantro then from one cup of coffee...and best part ..no caffeine!!
ginger and either orange,grapefruit (my favorite), lemon or lime or any combo of them..
wheatgrass on its own (this is an EXCELLENT veggie and you can grow a little on your window sill and cut it with scissors, keeps growing back just like your lawn)
.....I could go onnnnnnn and on lol
I try to use fresh ginger alot, and citrus', as well as anything green...pretty much Ill go to the store and buy a bunch of greens and juice them...bar none
if you can find sugar cane it is soooo much better than sugar
and you can also use the juices to make the best yogurt smoothies in the world! the fresher the better!!.
I also save the discarded pulp from the machine to use as compost in the garden...it works like a charm!
I have a book Ill PM you about tomorrow night, dont have it right now because Im not home but it is a GREAT resource..
carrots are good but they contain alot of glucose which in large amounts isnt good for you (especially if youve got diabetes in the family) so I limit my use of carrots to a minimum...
the best advice is just get creative! almost anything can be juiced!
also when you get sick...if you juice fresh garlic and ginger...mix with parsley juice and then drink it like 4 times a day youll be better in no time at all...I use that over any prescription any day
Ill keep them coming to once I get back home Ive got a lot of info on this stuff