It's that time of year

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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2010
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South Mississippi
I'm determined to get an early start on the holidays this year. NO scrounging for gifts in December allowed! So last night after some intensive dusting in the living room and kitchen I made my first holiday soap.

I was trying for neat layers separated by cocoa powder, as I'd seen someone do that on here months ago. Soap wasn't quite thick enough for neat layers, but I LOVE how it turned out with fine veins of cocoa instead. On the very top layer I mixed the cocoa with some of the soap and did an ITP swirl and textured the top. It's scented with Cybilla Coconut and BB's Champagne. I thought the champagne would add a lightness to the odor. Right now the Champagne is the dominant odor, and it smells JUST LIKE ginger ale. Did I mention I love love love ginger ale? It'll be interesting to see how the scent develops.


Very nice! I need to get my butt in gear and order my oils so I can get started on this years holiday soaps too. I will take your inspiration and run with it!
Thanks everyone! It was one of those experiments I was really crossing my fingers and praying on as it was such a large batch. Now that you mention it Hazel they do look like fudge ripple ice cream! I just went and sniffed them again, a ginger ale in hand for comparison and I promise you they really really smell like ginger ale!

I think I should mix some fruity scents with the champagne FO next and see what I get.
You should mix a chocolate fudge scent and embed a heart into the loaf. Then you'd be ready for Valentine's Day. :D

However, a chocolate scent would probably discolor.
I like the cocoa, they looks really pretty!
Note to self - start holiday soaps NOW
That's a good idea Hazel. If the chocolate fudge scent was in the heart embed only, and maybe a scent that compliments chocolate but doesn't discolor was in the soap I think it'd work.

I'm dying to try this method with something shiny and sparkly now, like mica. :-D

I just realized by looking at the picture again that the kitchen counters really need to be redone! Booo!
It looks yummy! I've used the champagne in several batches and can tell you the scent does fade and soften nicely going from the first thing you smell to a soft, light note.
Oooh I hope so Laura. I'm hoping that more of the coconut scent will come out. That's why I chose the cocoa powder, I was going for a sort of coconut theme.

I should shred up some white soap to look like coconut and make some coconut cupcakes, or macaroon bars with the rest of the FO.