Is HP better for acne soap? And recipe recommendations?

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Well,It's hard to argue what you just wrote.If you ask 100 different people what helped keep their acne under control,you may get 100 different answers.

I mentioned not because of Dan's regimen,but because those forums are home to thousands of members that are experimenting with different treatments. You can search through and make notes of what they like and didn't like. The general consensus was that liquid soaps were preferred,and that was chalked up to the ph. In fact,there's a huge article on there on why acne sufferers prefer more acidic ph products.This is debatable,like everything else involving acne,but playing it safe is something that has done well for me.

Making a product for acne is serious territory,and I'd like anyone making such a product to do as much research as possible. Most teens get acne,but a smaller number get something pretty horrific. It's something hugely damaging to self-esteem and the most terrifying thing is trying out new products.

There's also different types of acne that I feel responds to different treatments. Closed comedones, papules,pustules,nodules...not every zit is the same.I'm personally a HUGE fan of tea tree oil and sulfur. Tea tree (for me)helps the bumps that have not come to a head,sulfur does best to dry up pustules.

The website I gave does not list if those particular oils are bad in saponified form,but I do like to play it safe just as a precaution. If I break out because I messed up,it could have pretty serious consequences. I've done plenty of deep,painful chemical peels that make me regret using certain products =P

I'm not trying to completely trash the idea of a complexion bar soap,but make sure your research is there. :D