Ideas needed: 50th birthday

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Jan 14, 2014
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I've been wracking my brain for weeks on what to get a former employer for her 50th birthday. I can't spend more than $50, she doesn't have any hobbies or even many interests. She hasn't liked any gifts I've given in the past....I'm desperate for ideas. Please help!
If she likes tea or coffee, that is a good idea along with a nice mug and a good book. I don't know your or her tastes, but I gave a book by Elizabeth Berg, The Pull of the Moon, to many of my friends when we turned 50. An easy read about a woman turning - you guessed it - 50. And soap of course. Never pass up an opportunity to off load soap!
Okay you silly soapers - did ya think I hadn't already thought of gifting soap? Really?

She's one of those people who can't use homemade soap.

Thank you all for your help, I've decided to give up on the idea of a "special" 50th type of gift (honestly, I don't understand the belief that 50, or any number is a milestone) and settled on a gift card to her nail salon - I figure everybody likes to get something they like for "free", plus she can feel free to splurge on any nail upgrade she wants since she doesn't have to pay for it.

I've never been able to give her a gift she's ever liked. She doesn't seem to like anything, except her iPhone.
An experience like the nails soubds like the perfect gift for someone fussy. You already know she likes it. I think it's a great choice!
My best buddy is always on his iPhone, so I keep him supplied with ear buds and chargers. A gift card to iTunes and for apps would be fun.
A fussy 50-something-year-old? I would have gifted a card to her. You cannot go too wrong with a birthday card. The iPhone charger is always a good idea for that phone. I don't know why iPhone users always need a new charger. It's a running joke in my family (concerning my cousin and ex).
You must be a really nice person. If she didn't like anything you've given her in the past (not even SOAP :shock:), and doesn't have any interests that she's shared with you, I'm wondering why you're getting her anything at all. You are a better person than I am! Heck, in that situation I would definitely give her soap! hahahaha :twisted:
You must be a really nice person. If she didn't like anything you've given her in the past (not even SOAP :shock:), and doesn't have any interests that she's shared with you, I'm wondering why you're getting her anything at all. You are a better person than I am! Heck, in that situation I would definitely give her soap! hahahaha :twisted:

That's a waste of perfectly good soap. It's less of a waste if you send it to me...:grin:
Gosh if she didn't like any of my previous gifts and she actually made it known to me I wouldn't get her anything ungrateful moo - just the thought is enough.... Make her a homemade card that's always nice.

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