I wish I had taken the picture

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Yesterday was a beautiful day for a Old Town Farmers Market. I took this with my cell phone as I was setting up.

I was so grateful to have Sibi and KWahlnes support. It was like Bananarama selling soaps! Sibi's very handsome (and TALL) son Nicholas was hanging out with us, too. However, we forgot to have my hubby take a group shot pic. If I can convince them to come visit me again I will remember to get the pic!

Kristin has to come back because several of the male Veggie Vendors, along with the Market Master have started a Kristin Fan Club!
All in all it was a great day, I sold out of a couple of items and at the end I got a wholesale account in a nearby shop because someone who bought my soap went into another shop in Old Town, the shop owner saw them and asked where she got them. Very Karmic.
AWESOME!! Great set up... and I love your banner!! Did you order that online or buy it locally?
beautiful set up

that is so cool. i 'm sure i would buy something from such a nice looking, professional booth/table.!

looks like you had a lovely day for selling. the booth looks so neat, organized and inviting.

glad you had such a fruitful and enjoyable market day. hope you have many more!

monet :D

I'm so bummed that we didn't take the pic. Next time we won't forget :D
It was a beautiful day for being out there in the open air and even more fun hanging out with friends! My hubby even told me that I got a little bit of a tan on my face.

I'm so glad you got a new account, that is awesome!!! You're exposure in the Farmer's market will reap many rewards for you. I'll cheer you on all the way!

Wow! What an awesome looking setup! You have quite the selection, Deda! Congratulations on getting that wholesale account!! :D
Congratulations! How wonderful to have all your hard work so warmly received. You must be so proud! :) :)

Thank you all for the kind words! I am so grateful that I have such an amazing group of people cheering me on and more importantly, letting me cry on their shoulders.

Tabitha said:
(Jealous that I am to far aways to stop by!)
Come on! I have a guest room, a spare place at the dinner table and welcome hug. Everyone's welcome!