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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
Orange County, CA...but from NY, FL, NJ
What happened to my soaps? I opened all three and they had oozing out of the bottom of the soaps...like a weird orange color.

What could cause this???



I would say it could be from soaping too cold, getting a false trace, and the lye water precipitating out.

I am 99% sure on the orange being lye water....you'll have to tell us what type o'temps you were soaping at.
If it isn't the lye - you could check that, it could be the FO that is not mixed thouroughly - combined with overheating, and thus creating a kind of geode (cavety). It's looking kind of greasy to me.
I had something of the kind, not on the bottom though.
Were both items around 120? Because I've done it where both the lye and oils were too hot, and all that happened was the FO separated out on to the TOP like a pool....the orange water makes me think it's lye water, on the BOTTOM kwim?
looks like they seriously overheated. did you put them in the oven?
Hmmm. Did you have gm or cm in them ? Overheating with milk in the recipe can make an orange color.

NO OVEN! I always add GM to my soaps, but I add the GM right after I add my Lye mixture to my oils. So, when you think they are overheated...do you think the LYE mixture could of been too hot when I added it to my oils?

What a mystery. I am actually holding off on making any new soaps until I can figure out what happened. When I opened my soaps......I CRIED .
I am sorry this made you cry {{{hugs}}} .I have been there myself , we have such plans for this soap we create and then bam , something goes way wrong.

Do you insulate your gm soap. I just set my milk soap mold on the basement floor , it's cool and put a saranwrap with a few holes poked in it on top.No towels or blankets. My chest deep freeze works well too, it is cool to touch .I think it helps just to cool them down enough so that they can do their thing , but not overheat.


My bet is that you had a false trace. If it were either a false trace or something coming out of solution, either way the fix for next time is to mix longer.

I try to mix at ~150*F, at 120*F it takes a very long time to get to trace.
oh i know how it feels, no one has mentioned rebatch, i'm def no expert there,but i think ya may be able to do that.
i haven't worked with milk yet so can't really say too much.

don't give up. i've had my share of bad batches and i'm sure i'm not at the end of them.

Thank you for all your great input on my poor soaps.

hmmm...I did start mixing at 120 degree...I am going to do a small batch tomorrow and start to mix at 150 . I am wondering since I starting mixing at 120 and added my semi cold goat milk and on top of that.....and.....taking my sweet ole time.....

so...possibly by the time I got to trace(which did not take long at all) maybe everything got TOO COLD???

I don't know... I do batches many gallons at a shot, and that mass will keeps it's temp for several hours. If it were me, I'd want to know exactly what went wrong to make sure it doesn't happen again (but I'm like that :D ). I'd heat to 150*F and keep an eye on the temp to make sure it doesn't drop below 120*F. Make sure you get everything mixed really good, use all the same ingredients and see if it does it again.

It's my gut feeling that even with colder temps it eventually work but until saponification is going, some component falling out of solution can be a problem. After saponification starts, assuming you've been mixing everything pretty well, I doubt that lye-water or oil will drop out. Frangrances on the other hand, I don't know.
I get that EVERY TIME my soap overheats.. I never rebatch that crap, it's just too yucky. :/