i finally tried taking some real pictures...

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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
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I find myself staring at the photos here like a deer in headlights... I'm just not creatively inclined to come up with the gorgeous backgrounds everyone else does - so I generally don't try and let my cell phone take the pictures.. So NO laughing!! I know these are not good - but you have no idea how proud I am of myself that they aren't much worse (hope I resized them small enough)









Thanks for looking :)
They do look nice. I would like to see the seams were the lightbox comes together cropped out or erased. I copied one of your photos over to lunapic.com & cropped it too see what it would look like. What do you think?

Oh definately nicer cropped.. I made it in a small box because of the paper seams, and well... because I'm lazy lol. I am glad I tried it though, I understand what it does now. Pictures taken outside the box just don't look as good.. I'm gonna show it to my husband and ask if he can make me a nice one (he needs another honey-do).. My work has the long reems of paper (like at the doctors office), that may help as long as I don't wrinkle that paper getting it home (it's thinner than regular paper)
I'm gonna show it to my husband and ask if he can make me a nice one (he needs another honey-do)..
I alsked my hubby for one a couple years back... still waiting.

I just thumb tack a long roll of paper or fabric down a wall & across a table, kind of like a hamock so I do not end up w/ the seam. My pictures are not the best though. I usually forget to iorn the fabric 1st & it tacky rinkled :? .
Very Pretty soap :)
The pics are fine, Personally i love them :)
That orange one looks awesome :)
Great Job :)
(i put to many smileys.... Oops)
Awe, thanks everyone... I'm my own worst critic so it's nice to hear that :) The orange is my favorite, the color is from select shades - dusty apricot (1 part muted red, 1 part lemon yellow) When I first made it, it looked nothing like what the online picture showed it to be (http://www.selectshades.com/chart/cpsoap.html) but I liked it so much better. This may sound wierd, but I love how ash looks on soap sometimes :)
The pics are fine and the soap is very pretty. I like the texture on top