Hyper Nanny Goat and My Mother's Rose Garden.

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Nov 20, 2012
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I have been soaping starved for weeks. Yesterday I was finally able to crack open my new bucket of coconut oil and soap away. I spent my time off of soaping by coming up with recipes and ideas for my upcoming soaps.

My first soap is a Coffee Goats Milk soap. Brewed coffee, condensed goats milk at trace, ground coffee beans in the bottom along with cocoa powder. I also used cocoa butter(a new butter for me) in my recipe. The fragrance is a chocolate and vanilla FO. It smells wonderful! My coffee beans started falling off when I was cutting the bars, so I think if I make it again I will forgo the coffee bean decor.

Hyper Nanny Goat Soap 033.jpg
My second soap is My Mother's Rose Garden. My mother always had roses in her flower beds, so this I dedicate to her. I decided to use up the piped roses and leaves I had left over from my cupcake soaps I had made. I used my basic recipe for my base, and this time lined a box and did a slab soap. I think I want to order a slab mold now that has the dividers because cutting this sucker was a pain. Anywho, I used a rose FO which is delightful. I haven't trimmed up either of my soaps or beveled the edges with my vegetable peeler. I will wait til they set up in a few days and then do that. They are still a little soft to be attacking the edges.

Hyper Nanny Goat Soap 027.jpg
since I've already liked these on facebook, I better like them on here too ;) Truly love your piped flowers! I wish I could just pipe roses with my pastry bag, but to soap them, waoh lady, that's SKILL!
Really nice! I like the coffee bean decor. I actually place mine on top stratigicaly so I have room in between to cut. it takes a little planning but thats how to keep them from falling off :)
Really nice! I like the coffee bean decor. I actually place mine on top stratigicaly so I have room in between to cut. it takes a little planning but thats how to keep them from falling off :)

I was planning on doing that, but I kept dropping them all over the place so I just let the beans fall where they may. I think the next time I make this soap I will pipe "soap frosting" on the top and perhaps stick the beans into that. I have marks on the top of my mold so I know where I will be cutting my bars so there is no reason for me to make such a mess again.
You are so talented! That rose soap is one of those "too pretty to use" soaps...art & soap in one!

Thank you A&A! Nooooooooo.... They are very usable *sp? I plan on piping pink roses now that I have some more ultramarine pink. I also plan on getting a slab mold so I don't have to wing it with cutting. I am all about recycling and reusing, but sometimes things are made for a reason.