Hi, new here and new to soap making

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Jul 31, 2011
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Hi, I'm from western Mass. I enjoy just about any DIY type hobby.

I just made my first batch of soap. It was more of a experiment than anything. I was cleaning out my deep frier and wanted to do something with the oil so I did a little research and mixed: 16oz NaOH with 4.4 cups water and then with 17.7 cups filtered oil. It seems that it worked well, though it smells a lot like rancid calamari. The instructions I went by said it needs to cure for 4 months rapped in paper, so put it under a box in the closet marked XMass. I guess I'm done with my Christmas shopping... just kidding, this stuff it pretty nasty.

I'm quite exited by how simple this really was and rather inexpensive for the yield, even if it had been with fresh oil. At this point my main interest is in rather basic soap making; differences in oils, KOH vs NaOH, how to make a good basic dish soap. just to name a few things.

Why you don't post some pictures to see it.

When I do soap I use different form like :

Used oils have oxidized due to the high heat. There is a chance that your soap might end up with DOS. There is no good way to recycle used fried oil that would make a good bar of soap. You can always try and keep it for yourself though.

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