HI from Canada!!! Wanting to Set Up A Newsletter

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welcome Rev Cares, you will enjoy this forum & all of the wondeful help. I know that I have had help, thanks to Lindy, etc. I live in Sask. but did live in Calgary quite a few years ago. We do still visit & I have purchased from soap & more, but like you said they are a bit expensive. I did take one soapmaking class from them also, but that was a long time ago. I have been making soap for several years, but can't seem to get my act together & start selling. I still have to get a registered name, look into insurance,etc. & check with health canada,etc. Lindy, you would know all of this right. Also do they inspect your soapmaking area & check into things like that. Do you soap in your kitchen like I do? I guess all of these things make me a bit apprehensive. I'm also a little hesitant in asking anyone these questions........thanks for all of your help & I hope to also help with suggestions.
Hey there Misty!

Registering your company name as a sole proprietorship is super easy. For Insurance I really recommend The Cooperators - they were the cheapest I could find - I still make my soap in the kitchen and will continue to do so although I may end up moving it all into the downstairs suite to give me more room.... :lol: The questions the insurance company are going to ask are: a) how long you've been making soap - b ) if you're putting warnings on your labels like - oh this is not food or for external use only - c) are you listing the ingredients on your labels - just stuff like that...no biggie. Health Canada doesn't inspect you, however you do have forms to fill out and file with the Government of Canada as to what your ingredients are - no charge for this and no follow-up unless there is a complaint. Business license is whatever your municipality requires.

The steps are pretty easy and straight forward. You don't even have to register your sole proprietorship - I just wanted to protect my company name but it's not a full and true protection until I incorporate. According to SEP it doesn't make sense to incorporate for companies like us until we make more money than we need to live on at which point you want to incorporate so you don't have to be taxed on all of the money you made that year - you can just leave it in the company. Insurance is truly the biggie. The other thing you need to check out is your PST - here in BC we don't need to charge PST or register for it until we reach $10,000 in a 12 month period - GST is $30,000 in a calendar year. For Alberta since there is no PST all you have to worry about is GST if you pass that ceiling. Each province is going to have their own rules on PST.

As a sole proprietorship in Canada you will have a lot of tax breaks which you wouldn't have as an individual working for someone else. For instance you can claim your vehicle, your insurance, your fuel, a portion of your home, a portion of your utilities, your cell phone, company insurance, just to name a few.


Yes i checked into that with the City of Calgary .. I have my downstairs set up for my upcoming parties and it also has a kitchen where i have all of my supplies so I keep all of my inventory down there I really like having that extra room so i am not cross contaminating my soap supplies with cooking utensils. LOL..
I also have questions Lindy about obtaining website i have been doing research on that and it seems a little tricky. did you have someone make it or did you do it by yourself.. i went to a good website that gives step by step directions how to do it and get web host , everything..
thanks for all of you help and support.. i hope in the end i do get to help back by steering my clients in your direction! Smiles all around!
Thank you for your generousity.... :D

I recommend Telus - that`s who I put my website with them. If you aren`t needing e-commerce it will cost you about $10 a month and that includes the purchase/registration of your domain name if you sign a contract with them. They supply all the material you need to create your website with and they even have wizards to walk you through it. If you want e-commerce / on-line store it's about $30/month, but it doesn't include your method of getting paid. I've hooked up with PayPal so people can pay with their credit cards if they like, even for people here in town since I have no intentions of offering it otherwise.

Here is the link to my store which is actually active just not being accessed by the general public until my "Grand Opening".


This will give you an idea of what you can get your store-front to look like...

hello again!
Lindy! I just got feedback people wanting flyers with not only my information but i told them about YOUR site and upcoming opening.. ok so on my flyer i will put soapmakers in canada and my stepdaughters mom.. well she said she will spread the word (fort st john area).. I am making email newsletters with helpful advice and tips about soap making and chemicals.. now on this email I am also going to include websites.. please please ask others to let me know if they want their websites on my newsletters and flyers! I am going more of the home parties route with melt and pour and little bit of soaps made at home but i would like to steer them in the right direction.. how do you think that would work if i buy from you then i just sell them same price of course ( I WONT overcharge and send y ou all the receipts!) then we can just have them shipped here for my home business downstairs and I can sell them directly which cuts down shipping prices PLUS gets them interested in your products too which is then they are more apt to visit your websites!!
I am always brainstorming thinking of ideas to help each other.. I know the buddy system with links works well to help get the word out.. we all have our specialty (mine is actually the crafty part of mp and i make a wicked lip balm and eyeshadow but do special labels) I have already told people about your tussah silk soap and they are interested! SOO the sooner i can order some ( i will pay upfront) the better to get a sample each .. Pass this message on!!
rachel :) ps: my first party is for Mid March!!
Lindy, thanks so much for your help.....you have been so generous. Also, you mentioned claiming insurance & company insurance. Do you mean house insurance & company insurance, just wondering.
Soapmaking is so gratifying & the more I learn about the business aspect of it the more exciting it becomes. :lol: :p I know there is still lots & lots to learn.....

Okay Rev Cares - let's start out with having you post this request in the business section - I doubt anyone is going to say you can't put their website on your flyer - it's how we all promote our business.....you can also go into your profile section and make a note of it in there that you're looking for websites to include in your newsletter. Please PM me with your email address so we can set something up for re-selling.

Misty - your home insurance won't cover your liability on a soap making business due to the possibility of allergic reaction - it's a little more risk than they are willing to take on which is why I recommended The Cooperators. You don't need this insurance until youstart selling...

With your permission I am going to move this thread over to the Business Forum.....I think others could benefit from this discussion and won't find it here....

thank you! yes i will pm you! and i am getting an e newsletter together right now for my home parties i am getting a great response and its like the you tell 2 people and they tell 2 people.. hahah.. i think that was a body on tap shampoo commercial eons ago!! LOL
i looked at your site and your soaps are amazing!! exactly what i had in mind to offer my customers to have available!! like i said i have been networking for years now getting this idea out and i have so many ideas its unreal! lol
but i have been careful to take baby steps and do it the right way so i dont fall flat on my face and did my homework and i have all of my paperwork organized... yaaah!
talk soon!
Wow - I agree - very interesting read.

I'm from Alberta. Thanks for the info on product sourcing and liability insurance. Where have you guys been for the past three months as I wandered the internet in search of answers??? What a fantastic group.

Heather :D