HELP! Overheating? Should I be worried?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2013
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This is my third batch of soap. It's got coffee that replaced the water, and I put 1 tsp of sugar into my water before adding the lye. Oils oozing? How can I tell if it's oils or lye? So sad :(
Forgot the picture. Sorry!

It looks like oil to me. Just save all the oil and liquid if any, and you can HP the lot.
I'm not sure how will coffee behave in HP soap, maybe someone with more experience can answer that.
Sugar is most definitely the culprit. I had separation like this when I used honey in big batches.
You could wait a couple days to see if the oil soaks back in but with that amount it might not. If it was my soap, I would go ahead and HP it now. Make sure you add all the separated oil and cook it back in.
There is now only a small film of oil on the sides and bottom of my loaf, with small pools on top. Less than yesterday for sure. It looks as though the batch is solid. Only lost about 5 drops of oil which dissipated overnight in the pan it seems. I'm going to let it sit for another 24 hours and see how it does.
They turned out nice. As long as they don't zap you should be fine. They may always have a bit of an oily feel to them. I had a few that overheated and never quite dried out.
Looks like you got lucky but I'd zap test to be sure. I'm a little suspicious of that oily pocket on the bar that is face up.
I zap tested them, and I didn't get any zap? I didn't really feel anything besides a slightly mild tingle for a second or two...
I didn't add a lot of coffee, I didn't even use full strength, I steeped coffee grounds and I believe I used 2 ounces? Maybe 3? I mixed it with water into my lye solution.