Help... my ungelled soap is like butter...(24 hours later)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2010
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I did the fridge method to prevent my soap from gelling, and I molded it at thin trace, it is now the consistancy of thick butter, will it continue to get harder as the days pass, it has been about 24 hours now, first 12 in the fridge, last 12 in room temp. It is definately a lot firmer than when I put it in the mold, but it is soooo soft....?

If it does not harden can I put it in the oven to try to force the soponification?
sorry to hear that I use the fridge method and have unmoldable logs within 12hrs so this dosent sound right......maybe crock pot it? I am not too much help as haven't had to deal with this type of issue I would be throwing it in a crockpot and cooking it up maybe...............sure someone will be able to help you out with that side of things
I would leave it be for now. I normally cut my ungelled soaps within 12 to 24 hours. It depends on your recipe. Mine gets hard fairly fast.
I am able to unmold it, but when i go to cut it, it seems really soft.... I think i will give it one more day and see how it goes... wish me luck!
jenrb1982 said:
I am able to unmold it, but when i go to cut it, it seems really soft.... I think i will give it one more day and see how it goes... wish me luck!
Did you use full water amount or did you use less? If it's safe to take the whole log out of the mold without denting, I would do it with gloves on and leave it sitting out for a couple of days.

I was able to cut it and unmold it this morning, it was even firmer.... I think it will be ok, I will just have to keep checking on it!

Thanks for all your input!
My ungelled olive oil soaps can take many days to be ready to unmold.
Yes, I generally use olive oil as a base, and my soaps are often still too soft after 24 hours to get out of the mould, so I wait another 24 hours! It will eventually get harder, and when you think it's ok, you can use the freezer method to get it out of the mould.

My (little) experience teaches me that all soft soaps get harder eventually, you just need a lot more patience.

it was probably too soon to unmold it, but i figured since it was soft it would be easier to cut without it being crumbly.... it worked ok.... i really like how they cam out!

Patience, that's what I needed, lol... hard when your so excited!
I think I'm too having trouble with ungelled milk soap. First it was 100% milk and now I trying 50% milk. This morning is the 3rd day it's in a silicone mold. I did not put it in the fridge (didn't like the idea). It's like soft butter when I tried to unmold it and I major dented it. I'm hoping to change my base oils to see how it'll turned out. Currently my hard oils are CO:20% and something new to me, fractionated Palm Oil: 20%. Lye concentration is at 31%. It's super humid here nowadays with lotsa rain! And I got a fan blowing at it 24/7 :x

I have another 50% milk, oatmeal and honey with the same base oil in the mold now. I think I'll wait till a full 6 days now.
soapopera said:
I think I'm too having trouble with ungelled milk soap. First it was 100% milk and now I trying 50% milk. This morning is the 3rd day it's in a silicone mold. I did not put it in the fridge (didn't like the idea). It's like soft butter when I tried to unmold it and I major dented it. I'm hoping to change my base oils to see how it'll turned out. Currently my hard oils are CO:20% and something new to me, fractionated Palm Oil: 20%. Lye concentration is at 31%. It's super humid here nowadays with lotsa rain! And I got a fan blowing at it 24/7 :x

I have another 50% milk, oatmeal and honey with the same base oil in the mold now. I think I'll wait till a full 6 days now.
It is my understanding that fractionated oils are soft oils. So that could be why the soap is still soft.
soapbuddy said:
It is my understanding that fractionated oils are soft oils. So that could be why the soap is still soft

Thank you so much for the insights. I didn't know fractionated oils are soft oils. The first 100% GM I made I didn't have Palm in it and only hard oils are CO. So I reckoned my based was too soft. So I tried fractionated Palm in the next 50% GM. Also does this means fractionated CO are soft too?

I need to go put some of my CO in the fridge to see if it solidifies. Because the weather here is hot and humid, the CO I get is always in liquid form. I had enquired the supplier about it but they just keep telling me it's refined CO. But the SAP values they gave me is for regular CO.
I live in the desert where it gets hot. My coconut oil is a semi solid in the summer. Whether it's refined or unrefined (NOT fractionated) it should have a similar SAP value. Now fractionated coconut would be too soft in a recipe. I wouldn't sub fractionated palm or fractionated coconut oil for regular and vice versa.
Soapbuddy, I just managed to get the info about the cocounit oil I purchase. They can't tell me whether it's normal or fractionated :roll: anyway. I found this info from their site that state the INCI for the coconut oil I purchase. It says: Cocos Nucifera.

I also found this info: You'll often see fractionated coconut oil abbreviated to FCO and the INCI is caprylic/capric triglyceride.

The above is from this link: ... t-oil.html

I also found my vendor also sells something they labeled as caprylic/capric triglyceride.

Gives me a bit hope I'd purchase proper coconut oil though.
soapopera said:
Soapbuddy, I just managed to get the info about the cocounit oil I purchase. They can't tell me whether it's normal or fractionated :roll: anyway. I found this info from their site that state the INCI for the coconut oil I purchase. It says: Cocos Nucifera.

I also found this info: You'll often see fractionated coconut oil abbreviated to FCO and the INCI is caprylic/capric triglyceride.

The above is from this link: ... t-oil.html

I also found my vendor also sells something they labeled as caprylic/capric triglyceride.

Gives me a bit hope I'd purchase proper coconut oil though.
I hope you got regular coconut and not fractionated. Too bad the vendor is not knowledgable about the product that they sell. If they can't tell you which one it is, how can you be sure it is what they have listed on their site? Could you find another source?
I know, it's just so sad. They seemed the only one selling cosmetic grade in my country. I've seen some at organic health stores but they are price so ridiculously high it's out of my range of budget. The organic ones are semi-solid inside air-conditioned stores and the same one are in clear liquid form when in normal RT here. I've check my local temperature, it runs about 75 degree here (and normally it runs warmer). I've also checked SoapCalc, the SAP value for CO fractionated is different from the regular CO. Since the SAP value provided by my vendor are for regular CO, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it is :lol: Anyway, I'm going to try to source for a few more options. Thank you so much for your insights.

My head is having some crazy idea of soaping my CO at 100% just to see whether it's hard or soft (compare with the organic CO at the store) :shock:
soapopera said:
I know, it's just so sad. They seemed the only one selling cosmetic grade in my country. I've seen some at organic health stores but they are price so ridiculously high it's out of my range of budget. The organic ones are semi-solid inside air-conditioned stores and the same one are in clear liquid form when in normal RT here. I've check my local temperature, it runs about 75 degree here (and normally it runs warmer). I've also checked SoapCalc, the SAP value for CO fractionated is different from the regular CO. Since the SAP value provided by my vendor are for regular CO, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it is :lol: Anyway, I'm going to try to source for a few more options. Thank you so much for your insights.

My head is having some crazy idea of soaping my CO at 100% just to see whether it's hard or soft (compare with the organic CO at the store) :shock:
You know that's not a bad idea. Make a small batch of 100% coconut soap. If it ends up soft, it's most likely fractionated.
Did you try putting your CO into the fridge to see if it hardens?

My FCO is clear (like water) and my normal refined coconut oil is somewhat light golden when I melt it.
Bubbles Galore said:
Did you try putting your CO into the fridge to see if it hardens?

My FCO is clear (like water) and my normal refined coconut oil is somewhat light golden when I melt it.

I've tried your suggestions. I've pour some in a shot glass and placed it in the cheese compartment and it hardens to an off white butter. I scrape a thin layer with a spoon and apply on my arms and it quickly melts back to liquid. And yes, my phantom CO is of a light golden hue.

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