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Active Member
May 23, 2010
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Hi everyone.

I have been reading here for a while so thought I may as well jump in and post...you all seem like a nice and friendly group.

I am trained as an herbalist and to make a long story short - over time I became more interested in natural cosmetics (as opposed to the medical aspects of herbalism) and eventually tried making soap and was instantly hooked.

Now, many years later, I own a little soap business. I have a small (very small) physical store where I make soap and sell it as well as a fairly new online store. I run it all by myself.

All of my soaps are herbal soaps (soap to which I add in essential oils and crushed herbs) - I do HP, CP and MP soaps as well as herbal bath infusions, which are just blends of pure organic herbs (like bath teas essentially).

I prefer making HP, I find it almost meditative and a very soothing and enjoyable process. On the other hand I prefer using MP (natural base MP) I just like the feel of it, the softer quality in general. CP is somewhere in the middle for me...though I do have many customers that love it.

I have also been playing around with getting into candles in my spare time over past year or so but I don't sell those, I am still finishing up the learning stages there. Maybe by March or April I will be able to add those to my line.

That's about all I have to say. Today I am packaging up my last batch of winter peppermint soap and making a few custom holiday baskets.

Nice to meet you all! :D
So lovely to meet you Dremma!

You sound like you are a very experienced soap maker and I'm sure you'l have a great deal you can advise newbie's like myself.

My grandfather was an untrained herbalist back in the 1930's, 40's and 50's ... I think it was. He worked with animals and was the only one who did, in the farming area where I was born. He was well known as a healer and he installed in me a love for herbs.

It's fantastic that you have a business and are enjoying your craft so much.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

I just love browsing through the board here. Especially the photo forum. You guys make some absolutely beautiful soaps!


That is one part of herbalism that I don't know much about, animals. I have picked up a few things here and there, especially when I was doing more pharmacy work and vets would order specific things from me. But that's about as far as I got. I do know that they can very effective on animals though and from time to time they will have an animal topic at the American Herbalists Guild symposiums. It sounds as if your grandfather was a very interesting man.

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