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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2021
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
Hi there. I'm Jubilee. I'm new to all of this and found the links to this place through some youtube videos and an internet search. I'm getting into soap making as well as other items due to a skin disease. It makes me very sensitive to sunlight as well as anything that clogs my pores, irritants, and apparently colorants as well although we're not sure on that one yet. Still running tests. It's just going to be easier to make my own stuff than to go to the store and have to read all the ingredients to find out what is in every bottle and bar to find out if I'm going to have a reaction. Especially in these times and the dirty looks you can get for picking up and putting items back.

I also plan to start volunteering at a local shelter or LGBT community center if things work out with my job coaches help and doing events there and donating some soaps and lotions to help the people out. Which I hope works out. The places really helped me through my life so I want to give back to them. I know some people might say sell to them, but I'm on SSI and limited budget. So I'm gonna do the volunteering to get money for groceries and transportation and stuff and the soaps and things are gonna be my way of saying thanks to the facility.
Welcome welcome! Just know that once you start, you will be hooked for life! For what it's worth, my sons and I are a rashy family. Since I started making cold process soap and lotion bars, my skin has never been healthier! And I had tried every OTC and prescription lotion and potion. Now even Dove Sensitive feels abrasive.
And as a nonprofit administrator, I love your intention to donate! Keep us posted!