Has anyone seen this CP video on Youtube?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Sunny California
I was perusing You Tube for info on things to do with my 2 new tray molds and came across this.
Figure some of you have to have seen it with the high watch amount.. curious about thoughts on it?
Its super simplified but after being drilled on precise amounts I found myself gasping when she said she just 'has fun with it' and weighs but isn't real precise with amounts.
Also the way of not cooling the lye and having it melt the hard oils?

She's fun to watch.. love the water she uses. Wish I had a spring!

ETA: She uses lemon juice in this.. 2 cups worth! Wasn't someone asking about that?

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I've seen it. My initial thought was, I hope the average person watching doesn't think this is how ALL handmade soap is made! Upon further reflection, It seems she's been making soap this way for a very long time. She sounds knowledgeable enough, and is only advocating it for personal use. So I say good for her!
I had watched it. In fact, I think someone posted this video here awhile ago during a discussion about this process. A few soapers here use it.
For test batches I use the shipping box my checks came in lined with freezer paper. does about 1 pound batch. I tried rt process didnt work well for me.
RT = room temperature. Basically you let your oils and lye cool to room temperature before combining instead of when they are still hot.
I was perusing You Tube for info on things to do with my 2 new tray molds and came across this.
Figure some of you have to have seen it with the high watch amount.. curious about thoughts on it?
Its super simplified but after being drilled on precise amounts I found myself gasping when she said she just 'has fun with it' and weighs but isn't real precise with amounts.
Also the way of not cooling the lye and having it melt the hard oils?

She's fun to watch.. love the water she uses. Wish I had a spring!

ETA: She uses lemon juice in this.. 2 cups worth! Wasn't someone asking about that?


I watched this the other day, she is super fun to watch!! I wonder how the lemon juice really reacts I will have to do some testing
This was the very first soaping video that I saw on youtube! I had never thought of making homemade soap before that and I immediately started researching and watching more videos. THIS video is the cause of my new addiction...lol
I've been melting my solid oils with the hot lye for quite some time now. Actually a couple years. The only time there may be a problem is when the majority of the oils are solid. Then I give the process a boost by meeting them a little prior to adding the hot lye. I also use s potato masher, the squiggly wire kind, to break up the large chunks. When the solids are melted the temperature is around 100 degrees. I think of it as a greener way to make soap.

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She and Nancy are my favorites. She may have said she was not too precise with the lye, but she did seem to make sure of her lye weight in the video. What has always had me curious is the outfits. Ive seen Mindy do other videos and she calls herself a 'prepper', so are they are some sort of Mennonite, or preppers with a dress code?
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This was the first soaping video I watched on Youtube! And helped me get over my fear of soaping. I actually used her recipe for my first soap batch. It wasn't pretty, but it is soap! :)

The process she uses is called Thermal soaping. I used to use it all the time, but prefer to soap at room temp now.
This is how I started soaping. I used her recipe that is too lye heavy, it made 6 lbs and it got DOS almost immediately. Now I have 6 lbs of laundry soap to go thru! LOL Live and learn. Hey but I got over my fear of lye, so it did serve its purpose. They are just too cute!
I saw this when I first became interested in making soap. At first I was a little concerned about her casual nature about it all, but then it did seem that she had been doing it for a long time and was simply very comfortable with her recipe and method.
What has always had me curious is the outfits. Ive seen Mindy do other videos and she calls herself a 'prepper', so are they are some sort of Mennonite, or preppers with a dress code?

From what I understand, there are many types of Preppers. Basically they want to be self reliant and live off of the land. Some are "preparing" for an apocalypse type situation and some just like the idea of living as naturally as possible. They're not always Mennonite but can have the same basic lifestyle. There are also different degrees in their "prepping" with some just stock piling basic necessities. Again, this is just my understanding.

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