Guinea Pigs Gone Wild!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
Me and my significant other have 2, Ginger and Heidi (both girls).

Ginger is very bossy with Heidi but is pretty tame with us... which is the only reason we could get her to hold still long enough to get this picture. This is in preparation of Halloween :D

:twisted: <- Fitting, isn't it?

Neither are ever happy about bath time :x


But they're both always happy when it's time for some bananna or apple...


Thanks for looking.
i can hear 'em whistling from all the way up here, waiting for the fruit :p
I can hear them weep, weep, weep, from here.They're just adorable!!!!
We had 3 Gp's for years.Our bossy one is the exact twin to yours (Orange) she was just evil lil' debwuuuulll!!!!..Had one that was brownish,long hair with the rosette.
Our favorite was Cookie.Black/white almost identical to yours.She was mine.The sweetest little thing.She outlived her wicked sisters by many years.Lost her last month,old age of 6 almost 7 years.We called her our "Golden Piglet" Spent $26.00 for her and then well over $1.000.00 to save her,(pneumonia)..She made it.."Tough Cookie!" She was around dogs so much she I think actually thought she was one!.If they got a treat she rocked her cage until she got a treat to..Brat! ;)

It was fun having them all around.They are like kids :)

Donnie, they are gorge! We have two, Furry and Stripey, well when I say we, I mean my daughter, hence the names :lol: She loved the devil one! Ours will be a "year" on Christmas day, as that's when we "received" them! :wink: