Got the new iphone

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Jun 8, 2020
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I have always had an android until my last phone, so i was really excited with all the new to me features of Apple.

My phone was getting bretty beat up and slow, and the battery kept dying by doing nothing more than just sitting on the desk…

So i splurged and got the new iphone 13. I received it yesterday. It doesnt seem any different than my X. Is that how it is with iphones? Acts just like your old phone, just with less scratches? Lol.

I guess it has a few new camera features that i havent really tested out yet. It just does not seem like a new phone to me, except i got a new otter box for it lol.
I've had iPhones for about eight years or so...currently have a 12 Pro Max (hubby's choice). He's really into technology...which is why I give it to him and tell him to make it work. LOL I also have an Android...a Samsung Galaxy something that I found sitting on my desk one morning to replace the iPhone 4. I gave it to one of my co-workers and asked her to make it work. It was at that point that I realized that I had turned into my Dad...he used to buy software and then give it to me to teach him how to make it work.

I need to give it back to my hubby...I took some pictures while in Utah and the other day and they haven't shown up on my iPad and they are supposed to. I did use it the other day to FaceTime with the grandbabies and the picture seemed to be a little nicer than with the 8. And I definitely like the fact that I can now use an app to check my glucose which means one less thing to carry in my purse.
I have always had an android until my last phone, so i was really excited with all the new to me features of Apple.

My phone was getting bretty beat up and slow, and the battery kept dying by doing nothing more than just sitting on the desk…

So i splurged and got the new iphone 13. I received it yesterday. It doesnt seem any different than my X. Is that how it is with iphones? Acts just like your old phone, just with less scratches? Lol.

I guess it has a few new camera features that i havent really tested out yet. It just does not seem like a new phone to me, except i got a new otter box for it lol.
Hello, I currently have an iPhone XS it’s been fine up until recently and I think it’s time to get a new one. I normally don’t get brand new phones clearly so I was really looking into getting the iPhone 14 Pro in space black, but T-Mobile has been out of it for months, they only have it in the pro max, which is too big for me My hands are pretty small
Is it possible that T-Mobile may get more in stock or am I just stuck with either my current phone or I have to upgrade to the 15 Pro? Do you think the 15 Pro is better than the 14 Pro? I’ve also heard that it gets really hot is that true? Thanks
Hello, I currently have an iPhone XS it’s been fine up until recently and I think it’s time to get a new one. I normally don’t get brand new phones clearly so I was really looking into getting the iPhone 14 Pro in space black, but T-Mobile has been out of it for months, they only have it in the pro max, which is too big for me My hands are pretty small
Is it possible that T-Mobile may get more in stock or am I just stuck with either my current phone or I have to upgrade to the 15 Pro? Do you think the 15 Pro is better than the 14 Pro? I’ve also heard that it gets really hot is that true? Thanks
My venerable iPhone 7 got replaced with the 15 Pro (not Max) just before Xmas, and it is awesome! I had thought to get the 14 but figured the small price difference was worth the new features (different connector, better camera, etc.). I asked about the reports of overheating and was told that there had been a software issue which has been resolved and if I experienced anything like that to just let them know. I have noticed no problems with abnormal heat at all, but must admit that I don't typically use the kind of apps that cause any phone to heat up (augmented reality, wireless charging, high-intensity games, and so on). The camera is so much better than what I had, and I love how fast the phone charges. However, you would be coming from a much newer phone than my old 7, so might not notice such a big difference in performance as I did.
My venerable iPhone 7 got replaced with the 15 Pro (not Max) just before Xmas, and it is awesome! I had thought to get the 14 but figured the small price difference was worth the new features (different connector, better camera, etc.). I asked about the reports of overheating and was told that there had been a software issue which has been resolved and if I experienced anything like that to just let them know. I have noticed no problems with abnormal heat at all, but must admit that I don't typically use the kind of apps that cause any phone to heat up (augmented reality, wireless charging, high-intensity games, and so on). The camera is so much better than what I had, and I love how fast the phone charges. However, you would be coming from a much newer phone than my old 7, so might not notice such a big difference in performance as I did.
I think I had an iPhone 7 fifteen years ago! How long did you have it? I think I could store 30 photos on it before having to delete some. I have the 13 Pro Max now. Since I've had iPhones for so long, I can say I'm pretty happy with them, but can't remember what my flip phones were like. Nothing to compare it to. I like the camera, except the angles can be wonky if I tip the camera when taking a photo. I can, however, save thousands of pictures and videos! That's a big plus for me. Also do not use AI or any apps that would make my phone hot.
I think I had an iPhone 7 fifteen years ago! How long did you have it? I think I could store 30 photos on it before having to delete some. I have the 13 Pro Max now. Since I've had iPhones for so long, I can say I'm pretty happy with them, but can't remember what my flip phones were like. Nothing to compare it to. I like the camera, except the angles can be wonky if I tip the camera when taking a photo. I can, however, save thousands of pictures and videos! That's a big plus for me. Also do not use AI or any apps that would make my phone hot.
🤣 I think I had it for 7 years, possibly 8. Maybe we're talking about different models, because my 7 was the newest one at the time (my son bought it as a gift for my birthday...or was it Xmas? Oops, there goes the old memory again!). And it must have had more storage, because I didn't have any issues with keeping pictures & videos. But this new one is definitely a leap forward. The photos it takes look so much better, even though I haven't really explored the best ways of using the camera. However, the screen is also better, so that might account for a lot of what I'm seeing as an improvement.
🤣 I think I had it for 7 years, possibly 8. Maybe we're talking about different models, because my 7 was the newest one at the time (my son bought it as a gift for my birthday...or was it Xmas? Oops, there goes the old memory again!). And it must have had more storage, because I didn't have any issues with keeping pictures & videos. But this new one is definitely a leap forward. The photos it takes look so much better, even though I haven't really explored the best ways of using the camera. However, the screen is also better, so that might account for a lot of what I'm seeing as an improvement.
Nice!! Yes, I could be wrong. Maybe I had the iPhone 4 fifteen years ago? WHOSE old memory now?! haha

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