Flavour Oil.....UPDATED!!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2010
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Alberta, Canada
I accidentally bought Cheesecake Flavour Oil from a soaping supply company. Instead of Cheesecake Fragrance Oil. I asked the lady who owns the company if it would be ok to use in CP soap (after I was home with it). She didn't know, just said I would have to give it a shot. So should I? Of course I don't want to ruin my soap even a small batch....thats all I make. She said I could make lip balms and I will give that a shot sometime, but I wanted this scent for soap. Darn darn darn.[/b]
Since flavor oils are simply lip safe (edible) fragrance oils, I don't think it will give you a problem in soap. I would do a small test batch, maybe using some inexpensive oils, just to be sure first.
I agree with southernvtsoap. From what I understand, Flavor Oils are simply lip-safe Fragrance Oils. Shouldn't be a problem, but it may not hold up well during the CP process so test test test :)
Thank you southernvtsoap and photoshadows for your input. Seeing its still an oil I thought it may be ok. But then thought it might make it rice or the scent wouldnt hold up. Thanks again.
jeffsangie said:
Did it work for you in the soap?

I have not used it yet. Too busy with Christmas decorations. Hopefully this weekend I will get to it. Will post for sure to letcha know.
it's not made to necessarily withstand what soaps go through, so may not hold up or could morph into something nasty, or could seize your soap.

or it could be fine.

it's not a safety issue, but a performance one.
Ok so I finally used the cheesecake flavour oil in a 2.2 lb batch of soap.
CP/OP First time putting soap in the oven, its gelled and now turned off.
I am so excited!
My whole house smells so creamy sweet.
I did soap with GM again and this time I froze the GM solid. Then added the Lye very slowly. Stir Stir Stir. For about 15 to 20 mins. Started off with the lye/GM solution in an ice bath in the sink but took it out when we noticed the lye was not disolving and melting the milk. The temp of the lye is unknown since it would not register on the thermometer, but was only warm to the touch on outside of container. We poured the oils at 125 degrees and hoped for the best.
Everything seemed to go smoothly after that. Almost forgot the FO (Flavour Oil).
I tried to make a strawberry cheesecake looking soap but I'm thinking the cheesecake oil had vanilla in it. We'll see I guess.
I will post later with an update.
:D :D :D :D :D :D
Yes I'm so excited....Yippeeeee!!!
Bean13 said:
I took a quick pic and back in da oven.
It's so itty bitty.

I'd love an update on this. Do you have a pic of the finished cut bars? Did it retain the smell? I'm curious because my mother in law is a cake decorator and has some of the most amazing flavor oils, they smell divine!!! She gets them in gallon jugs, so if it works I may borrow a smidgen from her!!!
I know I am a bit late, flavor oils should just be fragrance oils that have been approved for lip use which is a higher standard than soap safe or body safe oils.

I would add that if your supplier is not able to answer that question about her own supplies she doesn't know what she is selling. That is very scary. I would not purchase from her again. I would be afraid of getting something that wasn't what she thought it was.