Finally eating my own words about never doing CP

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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2012
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Judymoody pointed out that I could make Castille soap for my new little one, and that got me thinking. I had NO IDEA that castille had so many uses amd could be used as a base for so many things and now I really want to play around with it. The issue is I've literally never in mynlife worked with CP, ive never had the desire to do so until now and I have roughly a million questions.

I'd like to start playing around with this concept soon so i can be ready for my wee one. since I don't make CP bar soap, is that somewhere i should start? I'm really only instrested in the liquid form of Castille , but its understandable to need a foundation somewhere.

What are some good resources to start my learning process?

Thanks in advanced everyone, I'm so new to this side of soaping, its making my head spin.
Welcome to the dark side :wave: is a wonderful starting point and then ask your questions on here. Since it is going to need some curing time I would recommend that you do make a batch soon so it will be ready for baby.

I strongly recommend that your baby castille be unscented. Since it is a single oil soap you can simply run it through a lye calculator and then go ahead and make it. I also recommend you read through the CP form as there are some fantastic posts here with great advice and there is even a thread about what is needed to start.

I hope this helps...
You're wonderful, Lindy! Wee ones soap will for sure be basic and unscented until its old enough to decide on yummy flavors in mommy's lab :) i'm checking out those links now, thanks so much!
You are very welcome. As you get more confident I would also recommend goat milk castille. If you want something with a little bit more bubbles add 10% coconut oil to make a bastille.
This is all just very interesting and exciting. I wasn't aware that I could make liquid soap from CP. I don't know why this never occured to me, but for some reason it just didn't. Using my own castile soaps I wouldn't need a premade base for my body washes, shampoos, or face scrubs. Seriously makes me life easier, and i can appeal to vegan markets with some soaps, which we be GREAT. Castile soap was like the missing link in my brand lol
Not a good idea to make a liquid soap from CP. Liquid soap isn't really all that hard, it's just a lot of time to make. Make sure you are taking the time to understand how to make soap before you start selling though. Although it's not rocket science, there is science behind the craft....
My none pre-made-based things won't be ready until 2014, maybe not even until that Holiday time, so hopefully I'll have a bit of time to get into this grove. From what I was getting is that you can make castile soap in CP and then melt down your bars in a pot of water. Or is there a simplier way of going about any doing that? That's how I stumbled upon this whole schbang about an hour ago. I'll need at least another week to keep looking into this, though.
I'm the opposite of you, I have never done M&P, so I can't compare them. What I love about cp soap making the the science and chemistry of it. Creating something with particular properties that I want through a chemical reaction. For me, that is the fun part :)

I say jump on in! Just don't use the Nancy Today videos as your tutorial ;)
Oh dear heaven - Nancy Today! She's great entertainment but do not follow her methods.

If you were to put your castille into boiling water you would end up with a gel mess. I do know of people who do it, but usually for laundry. I'm not going to say not try it to see if you like it....
Oh no, not boiling water our even hot. Just plain distilled water hanging out in a pot. I just discovered HP (I feel like a soap artists while you guys are like magical soap chemists now ): ) and I think that might solve this whole mess.
Okay you do know you now need to start experimenting. If you are doing HP you need to look into Sodium Lactate as it will help with a smoother pour also don't do a water discount because you need all that water, again, for a smooth pour.

There is of course one condition - pictures.... :p
I'm dragging the hubby out for a book run (and a smoothie) now! I think I may have created a monster in me! Hopefully I'll be ready to play next week!