Fairly new soaper in Illinois

Soapmaking Forum

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Sep 29, 2011
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Hello everyone!
My name is Myra, and I have been making goat's milk soap at home for about a year and a half, mainly for my family's use, but I hope to branch out into selling it also. The soap I have been making is lovely to use, but looks wise is super basic, and I hope to learn better ways of coloring, scenting, etc. on this forum.
I raise my own Nubian dairy goats for milk, which my family drinks as well as my using it for soap and lotion. We live on a small farm in central Illinois, with poultry and goats for eggs, meat and milk. I hope to branch out into raising our own beef in the next year or so also.

:lol: 8)
Welcome, Myra... you will find that this community is very helpful and supportive... and we have some of the smartest, most experienced helpful people around!
Hello Myra and welcome to the forum! You're living my dream life- i.e. farm, goats, chickens, cows.....

IrishLass :)