DOS: Can you still use the soap?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2011
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Yesterday I went to a Dutch market and saw that they were selling GM soaps. Of course I had to go over and check them out. When I was inspecting, I noticed that some bars had DOS! Each bar was unwrapped in a basket. I remember them being there the last time I was at the market back in March, before I started making any soap. It could have been the same batch, or maybe they just always make this kind. Anyway, now that I've finally seen DOS in person, I was wondering, what can you do with it? Can you remove the spot and still use the soap? I tried smelling the spot and couldn't smell anything different. I noticed their ingredients said "saponified vegetable oils", which I hate, because they're trying to hide the fact that they used lye, and what if someone has an allergy to coconut or something? So not impressed...DOS, sneaky ingredients, and $6.99 a bar?...Yeah, no way, Jose!

And that's my rant for the day...
adoptapitbull said:
And that's my rant for the day...


You're strong willed if you only allow yourself one rant a day. I tend to have several rants a day. :lol:

Isn't DOS just rancid oil? I would think you could still use it but it probably wouldn't smell very nice if there was a lot in the bar. I noticed a couple of weeks ago that a facial soap I made last spring has a slight rancid scent. I made it with a high SF so I think the unsaponified oils are starting to go bad. I'm still using it but now I'm wondering if I shouldn't. I'm interested in hearing a reply from experienced soapers.

eta: I agree with you about the sneaky labeling - naughty, naughty.
Everything I've read about DOS says they're usable, just less attractive. Some people can smell the rancidity, which would presumably render it unusable, but it doesn't always smell, or some people can't smell it. USe it up! I think everyone on the forum would agree that selling any bar with DOS is bad practice.
I went through my batches about a month ago, and found a couple of bars out of about 4 different batches. They were just starting and some of it you could barely see, I put them aside for us to use in the house. 6 of them are unscented, 2 are a clean scent and still smell okay, a couple of others I sent home with my SIL, who uses them up fairly quickly. I think some the batches are just packed too tightly in the boxes, my big loaf mold fits into a 4 x 4 x 18 box perfectly. I put some notation on the tags in front of the boxes on the ones I need to keep an eye on. I think my rice bran oil was starting to go (didn't stink, just had little bubbles along the inside of the gallon jug).
Thanks for the replies.

I can slightly smell the rancidity but it's not enough that I can't stand to use the soap. Also, it's the last bar and there's really not much left of it.
It's not a revolting smell in this soap. It just smells slightly off. I also have to really sniff to catch it. The only reason I noticed is because I was sniffing it to see how well the EOs had held up over the past year. They're very faint but still there. I was amazed.

I think the soap would have held up fine if I hadn't upped the SF so much. Another lesson learned. :wink:
Agree with carebear. I can use my DOS soap when there are just spots, but when the whole bar goes pooey, I have to throw it out lol. I usually have to do that every so often usually by the end of summer with some bars, because of the humidity.
Is that how you tell when an oil is starting to go bad - little bubbles around the top? I have that in one of my gallon oils, can't remember which one now (olive maybe), and if that's the case I'm going to have to go on a hunt.

Thanks. :)

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