Deleted posts

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
When we go through & are deleteing 35 posts from spammers, it is easy to accidentally delete a new post from a real member while we are at it. I am apologizing now incase I ever I delete a real member's post while de-spamming the board.-Tabitha
Thanks for your help guys in cleaning up the garbage. I'm not sure why, but the spammers have gone crazy lately. I used to only get one or two bad posts a week or even less. I'm going to work on trying to find a better method for keeping them out in the first place.
It is easy to deleate posts from our great members when cleaning up large "garbage" posts from spammers. I try hard to not deleate true posts, but it is easily done! I don't think I have done this, but if I have..... :oops: sorry!
Thanks Mandy for trying to think of an idea that is workable to keep these spammers at bay! :D Until then, you can count on us!

Paul...... :wink:
Mod Team Member
I was a mon on my cities chamber of commerec website for a while & we would get approx 60 bots/spammers join & get memberships daily!!! We shut down the site untill they could find a better way to combat the problem.

This forum is managable.

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