Cyphre Rose FO

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Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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Anyone know of a substitute for Cyphre Rose FO that Southern Soapers sold? It's been a huge seller for me and I'm quickly reaching the end of my bottle. :(
Ask me in a week or so. I am searching for a true rose, and I may have found it. What does Cyphre Rose smell like?

turbo -- Chypre Rose (I misspelled it before) actually doesn't smell like rose at all. It's a perfume scent that was developed by Coty in 1917. The word Chypre is French for Cyprus. I think Southern Soapers just used that as their name for it. It's heady, exotic, rich, sort of woodsy-floral. It's a strong scent, but I've grown to love it -- especially since it SELLS! :wink:

...and speaking of looking for rose fragrances...that's another one I need to look into. My favorite was Yellow Rose of Texas, again Southern Soapers. I'm down to my last 8 oz. Guess I'll be testing a lot of 1 oz-ers.

soapbuddy....thanks! I'll do that!!
My wife and I stopped at a soap shop while on vacation. The owner was kind enough to sell us some of his frag oils. The rose was the purest rose I have ever smelled. I will not ask him where it came from even though we are over 1000 miles apart. I may have found it through searching the net. I have some on order and as soon as it comes in I will let you know.

BakingNana said:
turbo -- Chypre Rose (I misspelled it before) actually doesn't smell like rose at all. It's a perfume scent that was developed by Coty in 1917. The word Chypre is French for Cyprus. I think Southern Soapers just used that as their name for it. It's heady, exotic, rich, sort of woodsy-floral. It's a strong scent, but I've grown to love it -- especially since it SELLS! :wink:

...and speaking of looking for rose fragrances...that's another one I need to look into. My favorite was Yellow Rose of Texas, again Southern Soapers. I'm down to my last 8 oz. Guess I'll be testing a lot of 1 oz-ers.

soapbuddy....thanks! I'll do that!!

Yellow rose of tx was my favorite rose scent. Now I love baby rose from BB.
If the one due in Friday is not the ONE, I try Yellow Roseof TX
