CP volcano

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New Member
Oct 11, 2022
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I have been making soap for 2.5 yrs so far. Most of my soaps have been CP ( have done a few HP with no challenges so far). I just has a batch volcano as I was pouring into the mold, and the small amount remaining in the pan waiting to go into a mold as well. The battery had reached a medium trace thickness. Ingredients:
12 oz Green tea
6 oz lye......added 2.5 tsp sodium lactate 6% when tea was 90°F
6 oz coconut oil
4 oz shea butter
35 oz olive oil
At trace, added 1 oz Orange & .5 oz grapefruit oils
Can this be salvaged in any way?

I had one other batch fo this about 1 yr ago, but I didn't take close notes on that batch.
Any help is appreciated

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