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I am pretty new here and would like to address this forum and the people on this forum. I am actually aware that some of you have been soaping FOR YEARS! That is why many of us are here. We are hoping that the older, more experienced soapers will help us less experienced soapers and not make DEROGATORY comments about our newness! We are enthusiastic about our new hobby (or job) but you are over it and tired of new soapers answering questions that YOU THINK ARE WRONG. Well isn’t that why we are all here? To learn??? I am an so angry at the SNARKY and Superior Attitudes on this site tonight. You were not NATURAL BORN SOAPERS!!!
I have seen it. And to be honest, I'm considering finding a different forum to get answers.
azimuth said:
I have seen it. And to be honest, I'm considering finding a different forum to get answers.

Don't do it! We are here and have a right just like everyone else. WELCOME new friend!
I'm fairly new to the soaping world world, but here's my take for whatever it's worth:

In my other biz I did 99% of my work/networking/everything online and that included a TON of dialog with folks on forums and social networks. Here's the thing with "talking" online:

It's super easy to misunderstand someone's intention or "tone" by reading something they typed onto a computer screen. Without facial expressions, physical gestures and the sound of someone's voice, we have to make educated guesses about what someone else is trying to "say."

That said, I absolutely understand what you're getting at. I've been offended many times by what someone has said to me online. And truth be told, I've probably been the offender as well on some level in some way to some person somewhere ;)

We're all human. I'm a pretty sensitive gal, so I make sure I'm not spending too much time reading between the lines or worrying about what others may or may not think of me. (I'd drive myself crazy! LOL.)

As long as I am being honest, helpful and hold good intentions in my heart, then I've got nothing to worry about.

Keep your chin up. We're all just makin' our own way the best we know how ;)

Last week I posted a comment here to educate new soapers about that SWAPS were and how they could get involved because I understood they were new and needed educated. My post was promptly removed from this are and told that they were trying to keep the forum clean and evryones post in the right catagory. BS!!! There is a ppost here with a photo of their pic that clearly shoudl be in the PHOTO GALLERY and they did not mot it. BIAS! UNFAIR! BS!!!!
I just have to ask (and this is going to sound totally snarky, but...) who peed in your cheerios?? There hasn't been any meanness here lately. In fact, your recent posts all over the place warning people are the only upsetting thing going on. I'm sure whoever hurt your feelings didn't have that intention. If you really felt the need to vindicate yourself against some perceived slight, it would probably be better to address that person directly. Telling all of the new people who introduce themselves here that the people on this forum feel superior and that YOU will help them is not nice. The people on this forum have been helping newbies long before you showed up.
PrairieCraft -

Your post isn't snarkier than her reply to me earlier which was a rude and an undeserved attack on me. I haven't peed in anyone's cheerios for at least a week. :lol:
Hazel said:
PrairieCraft -

Your post isn't snarkier than her reply to me earlier which was a rude and an undeserved attack on me. I haven't peed in anyone's cheerios for at least a week. :lol:

You and CAREBEAR are rude to new soapers here and you should be ashamed! Why are you here on this forum if it disgusts you so much???
Bergamot & Bubbles said:
Hazel said:
PrairieCraft -

Your post isn't snarkier than her reply to me earlier which was a rude and an undeserved attack on me. I haven't peed in anyone's cheerios for at least a week. :lol:

You and CAREBEAR are rude to new soapers here and you shoudl be ashamed! Why are you here on this forum if it disgists you so much???

When and how was I rude to you or any other new soapers? Please show me where I was rude before you were. And where did I ever say this forum disgusts me? I'm the first person to acknowledge that I'm not an expert but I do try to be helpful with everyone.
I have yet to see anything from anyone with a 'superior' attitude or even remotely unfriendly and I am as novice as they get as far as the questions I have and the help I need...

Things like this scare me away from forums to be honest.

This thread needs to be locked and removed, it is nothing but a rant. Any issue you have with someone, should be directed at that person... not dragged out for the entire community to see.

I may be overstepping... but that's my opinion... and honestly, with such a large community... if you don't care for it here, Bergamot... you have the ability to choose a new community as well.
How have I been rude to anyone new? I haven't even posted much recently. When did I say that this forum disgusts me. I thoroughly enjoy this forum for the great info and interaction with nice people.

Pardon me for asking but have you been drinking, because what you're doing here is irrational. If your post was removed, it was obviously because you said something you shouldn't have, NOT because Carebear is a big meanie who is out to get you.
Oh gawd, I knew I shouldn't have said anything but it just isn't right for someone to say "Hi, I'm new here" and to get in reply "WARNING: The people on this forum are rude" Because we aren't rude.
carebear said:
My pet peeve is when people who are new to soaping or the like give bad advice or incorrect answers. Gets my goat.



We are all new here and want to learn. your superior attitude is just plain wrong!
Oh, don't worry. I have no real intentions of leaving. I enjoy it here and it is an amazing resource site.

I'm just saying this could have been handled better, that's all.
You're right. It should have been. I've stayed up too late and it's affecting my judgement.

Good night everyone. Sweet dreams! :D
If someone is still learning then is it prudent for them to be giving advice to someone else who is also learning. I get what the problem is from reading your posts. You are a know-it-all and got upset when someone corrected you. If someone is new and here to learn then why would they be so interested in acting like an authority on the subject and handing out advice?
PrairieCraft said:
If someone is still learning then is it prudent for them to be giving advice to someone else who is also learning. I get what the problem is from reading your posts. You are a know-it-all and got upset when someone corrected you. If someone is new and here to learn then why would they be so interested in acting like an authority on the subject and handing out advice?

You my dear have no idea what you are talking about!
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