CP soap swirls

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Active Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Is it best to make swirls while the soap is still in a light trace stage? Is it even okay to add any soap into a mold at this stage?

I want to avoid gelling the soap, so should I put it in the fridge or freezer? Thanks.
Light trace is the best time to do swirls. You can pour into molds at this time also unless you want to do a fancy top. I do individual molds and light trace is the easiest to pour because you have time to pour each individual mold.

If you don't want to gel you need to keep it cool. You can put in frige or freezer, put outside if it's cold enough, put a fan on it, I can just set mine on my stone counter tops as it pulls the heat out of it. So anything to keep it cool.
I never thought about using the fan. Must try that. I was mostly skeptical about pouring too soon. Thanks for the info!
AZ Soaper

Hi, I am new to this but I though you had to rap cp soap for 24 to 48 hours and let it cool down slow. I am confussed.
There are 2 was to treat CP soap in the first 24 hours after the pour. You can 'gel' or 'not gel'.
To gel is to get the soap hot(by wrapping or putting in a warm oven,etc.) and the soap goes through a phase where it turns gel like. It is translucent, jelly like and gets VERY hot.
Then there is the no gel method where you keep it very cool because you do not want it hot(such as milk soaps) or you like it that way.
It's a matter of taste. Some people never gel others always gel and some do both depending on the kind of soap they are making.

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