Cow's milk in soap

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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2012
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central Oklahoma
I recently asked on this forum about whether any used cow's milk in soap, as so much milk (1% milkfat) is wasted at work (I teach in an elementary school). I was encouraged to try it and test the results. I made 2 batches, same recipe and FO. Both turned out nicely, but the milk one does have a smoother "feel" to it, very nice! I did freeze my milk then thaw to "slush," but it still turned out light brown, so I am guessing I added my lye too quickly and/or the water my lye container was sitting in was not cool enough. Despite the brown color, I do have a great soap. Thanks to all who encouraged me to experiment.
Will your school let you take the expired or "wasted" milk? That would be great. I hate waste...
Milk soap will sometimes discolor if it goes through the gel stage. You might try putting it in the refrigerator or freezer as soon as it is in the mold. The tan color does not hurt the soap at all, you will have a really nice soap.
I used cows milk in a couple of my experiments one with it frozen, and the others I added milk at trace. The bars are very nice and smooth. I bought some goats milk and coconut milk to try that. This is so much fun.
I remember your post about the milk. That soap is ready to use already? It seems you just asked a couple of weeks ago...
iirc, she usually does HP, which would be ready to use sooner.

I'm glad your soap worked out well! Just made an HP milk soap last night that turned out beautifully as well, though I plan to let mine cure for a bit longer than I normally would xD
Yes, I do use HP. I want to try CP, but haven't yet.

Shawnee, I can bring home milk, though not all of it. There is simply too much waste. (Plus I do not know about using chocolate or strawberry flavored milk.) Thankfully our new custodian is a pig farmer and he has started taking home a lot of the waste, both food and milk.
Ruthie said:
Yes, I do use HP. I want to try CP, but haven't yet.

Shawnee, I can bring home milk, though not all of it. There is simply too much waste. (Plus I do not know about using chocolate or strawberry flavored milk.) Thankfully our new custodian is a pig farmer and he has started taking home a lot of the waste, both food and milk.

Well I mean, chocolate milk is what, just milk and cocoa, right? In that case, I'd imagine it could work. Dang, now I'm tempted to make a small batch just to see if it works!

And while CP leads to smoother bars of soap, I'm just entirely too impatient to do it anymore.
Dammit, why did you have to bring up the chocolate milk? Now my brain won't stop turning...
You could definitely make yogurt with it and then use the yogurt in soap when you want something a little different than just milk soap. I haven't showered with my yogurt soap yet but the slivers I've used to wash my hands feel great and have awesome lather.
This thread is making me update my shopping list like crazy.

Definitely gonna try the chocolate milk thing now.
I've used cho milk. I prefer adding chocolate or cocoa powder to the soap, cuz chocolate milk alone does not give me quite the color I want. But if you don't want real dark colored, it would make a lite color.