Countertop Water Distiller

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Nov 20, 2012
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I am contemplating the purchase of a countertop water distiller. I don't need all these gallon plastic jugs to dispose of from purchasing distilled water. I use distilled water in my floor steamer, iron, handheld steamer, and for soap making. I was curious if anyone else has made this investment.
Well, I’m the one that had the bad luck. I bought that distiller on sale, used it a few times and then let it sit for months. When I tried to use it again at the five month mark, it tripped the GFI circuit. I had to go back and forth with the seller a bit, but ultimately received a refund. I was very persistent!
Yes, I bought this one and I love it! I use DW for making soaps and lotions, and my husband uses DW for his CPAP machine. Plus our SIL uses a CPAP so I keep him supplied, as well. We bought these jugs for storage and are very happy with them, as well. They are cheaper at my local Walmart than at Amazon.
So happy to see this thread! I purchase 20 + gallons per month and I feel awful when I can't recycle all the jugs. I use it for all my bath products kettle. Thanks so much for the link! 🙂👍🏻
I bought one because I wasn't able to buy distilled water in the grocery store any longer. This was a few years ago. I bought this one at Amazon. It's been fine, and I like being able to keep the water in glass jugs instead of plastic. I distill only a couple gallons a month and from filtered water so that cleaning the machine is not bad. In my area the mineral content of tap water is very high, and would leave much residue in the tank.
I bought one because I wasn't able to buy distilled water in the grocery store any longer. This was a few years ago. I bought this one at Amazon. It's been fine, and I like being able to keep the water in glass jugs instead of plastic. I distill only a couple gallons a month and from filtered water so that cleaning the machine is not bad. In my area the mineral content of tap water is very high, and would leave much residue in the tank.
I was just trying to work this out in my head. Here in Florida, if we use tap water or even Florida spring water in our coffee machines they get awful buildup and have to be cleaned very frequently and still end up not lasting but a couple of years. We bought a new coffee maker recently and switched to distilled water only and no buildup whatsoever months later. But we do go through about 7 gallons/week for our tea & coffee (and don't tell hubby but I water my few potted plants with it too 🤫).
So how would the tap water affect a distiller? Or would I still have to buy buy 7 gallons of filtered water each week to use in it? Or spend extra money on a filtering system that I already know will require more than the regularly required filter changes ($$$) 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sometimes it just seems easier to buy the distilled while it's available.
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