Chocolate Soap and shortening

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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I have been researching potential CP chocolate bar soap recipes. All use shortening or soybean oil or wesson, unfortunately all three seem to have more negative then positive reviews for soap product longevity.

The recipe I wanted to try...........for gift giving is:

8 oz. hydrogenated soybean oil
6 oz. coconut oil
2 oz. olive oil
2 oz. lye

I would appreciate any input on the recipe before I take the plunge and make the soap.
OOPS! I should clarify, the problem most noted was shelf life and DOS issues; not how long the bar lasted when used.
I used a soap with soy in it once from a soap swap and it had a lovely lather. It may help your longevity to swap the OO and soy percentages though. Less soy more olive.
I've used soybean before, but only in small percentages. I made one batch where soy was the heaviest, and it started to DOS within about 10 weeks. I havent had a problem with small percentages in batches.
Yummm choc soap! my fav

A chocolate soap can contain anything really, your usual recipe with chocolate fragrance and cocoa powder to colour?

I've made a 'special' chocolate bar with extra cocoa butter, milk and real chocolate, people love the idea of it and it's nice to use.

If you wanted to keep it simple you could just add some extra cocoa butter, after all that is the main ingredient in chocolate, and it has a very long shelf life
Love my chocolate soap and no issues here with DOS and its lovely and creamy. I use 85% melted choc and a chocolate FO in mine. :D
I love making chocolate soap and I use the same recipe I use for most of my soaps (OO, CO, ricebran oil, castor oil and cocoa butter), plus add 20% melted dark chocolate ... the 85% dark chocolate. My favourite FO is the Italian spiced chocolate one ... delicious!

Cinta's 'Aussie Autumn Soap Swap' inspired my look ...
I made a chocolate goats milk recipe, added cocoa powder and chocolate brownie fo, and they are wonderful. Suds are brown which is a little weird though.

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