Ammonia smell from oatmeal milk and honey soap

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Nov 11, 2009
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Hi eveyone I am new to making soaps so please be easy.
I made my first oatmeal milk and honey soap the other night it set up beautifully. I read there is a smell that eventually dissipates but I am not sure if this strong ammonia will go away or if I made a mistake. Thanks in advance for any responses
Thank you the soap looks good but the smell is not how I thought.
oatmeal milk and honey has always been my favorite soap it is the soap that inspired me to try it myself. I cant wait to try it when cured
thanks again
It will probably be okay. I had that happened once a long time ago and thought I had ruined everything. It got better in a week or so. I think it was something to do with the heat reacting with the milk. Cant remember now :( I've started to soap at cooler temps and have never had the problem again.
Did you use any milk in the recipe? I say that because milk will give off an ammonia smell at first that will make you want to run for the hills. Especially a goats milk soap.

Patience is your friend right now. Leave the soap be. Don't look at it or smell it for a couple weeks and you will notice a HUGE difference. I still love oatmeal soap, but I think the stuff you get in the store has fragrance to enhance its "oatmeal-ness" because any that I have made are a very delicate "cereal-like" scent with no fragrance.

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