adding color with oil

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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2015
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So I've been watching tutorials for swirling etc. on YouTube - a lot of people mention mixing their colors with a "carrier" oil before using. I've done one batch with color so far (two separate colors) and mixed each with an ounce of olive oil that I included in my recipe. It seemed to work just fine.

However, on a lot of the tutorials, folks add TD or mica to like a sweet almond oil or something and toss it in without measuring or do a small amount on top for a mica swirl. But they never talk about the recipe.

My question is, if I'm using a small amount of lighter oil in small quantities like that, do I need to include it in my soap calc?
Like shunt2011, I prefer to use glycerin which I treat as an additive because I don't end up using that much.
I "masterbatch" most of my colorants which I mix at a 1 to 1 ratio then blend well with a milk frother to make sure I don't have any lumps, I like just giving them a quick stir and measure, and it reduces the chances of me over saturating the colorants in my little sized batches and ending up with brightly colored bubbles.
The few times I haven't used my premixed colorants, I've used about a tablespoon of my melted oils to 1 tsp color, but I had a tendency to use too much colorant, a little really does go a long way, (you can add, but can't take away, yadda yadda).
The individuals that add them without mixing, may either sift first to get the big clumps out, or do quite a bit of SB to make sure the colors are incorporated properly. For me, the latter can be risky, because I've ended up with soap that's thicker than I intended.
I use glycerin, too. :thumbup:

As far as measuring colorants goes, I'm pretty meticulous with least nowadays I am. I went through a bit of trial and error at first before I reached a certain level of consistency. Take lots of notes!

IrishLass :)
Thanks folks! I had not heard of using glycerin for this before, so that gives me something to try.
Oh why would you pay for Kosher glycerin? Kosher is blessed by Rabbi nothing else
I think I paid at my suplier like 8 dollars (Canada) for a 1 l
oh, I guess I wasn't paying attention to if it was Kosher, it was just the first one that came up that wasn't like 3 gallons lol. I figure if I'm just using it in small amounts I don't need a cupboard full! I can keep looking for a better price, just wanted to make sure I order the right product. Thanks for pointing that out!
Also, how long can I keep it around? Or does it "go bad" or lose effectiveness? I guess I wouldn't have a problem buying a larger quantity if I can keep it for a long time. I just don't like to waste stuff and would rather pay a little higher price for a smaller amount if I don't have to throw out a bunch in a year. I'm just a hobbyist so I'm making about 2 batches of soap a month.
I started out using oils. Then went to glycerin; which I didn't like because it was too thick. Back to oils. I then ordered a gallon of glycerin to use making liquid soaps (whenever I get around to that particular pursuit) and decided to give glycerin another shot. Lo and Behold, the glycerin I bought from Soapers Choice was MUCH thinner than the glycerin I used before (from an Ebay supplier). So, I've been using glycerin lately and have no complaints.
That's interesting, Patrick. I used oil for my (oil soluble) TD and then switched to glycerin for a while, but it seemed to get really thick in the squeezie (I pre-mix enough to last for a while). I tried adding in some SAO at that point to keep it loosened up, no luck. So went back to oil. I just got a new batch of glycerin - I think the first was from WSP, the most recent is from Nature's Garden - so I will try again, thanks to you and everyone else for suggesting it.
If you're in a pinch, you might want to try looking at your health-food store. The one by me sells the NOW-brand of vegetable glycerin in 1 lb quantities and also 8-oz quantities.

I've never master-batched my colorants in glycerin or oil before. I just mix enough colorant and glycerin at a time in a little prep-bowl for whatever batch I'm making at the moment (pretty much because I'm a fusspot that doesn't like messing with squeeze bottles :p ).

IrishLass :)
Like shunt2011, I prefer to use glycerin which I treat as an additive because I don't end up using that much.
I "masterbatch" most of my colorants which I mix at a 1 to 1 ratio then blend well with a milk frother to make sure I don't have any lumps, I like just giving them a quick stir and measure, and it reduces the chances of me over saturating the colorants in my little sized batches and ending up with brightly colored bubbles.
The few times I haven't used my premixed colorants, I've used about a tablespoon of my melted oils to 1 tsp color, but I had a tendency to use too much colorant, a little really does go a long way, (you can add, but can't take away, yadda yadda).
The individuals that add them without mixing, may either sift first to get the big clumps out, or do quite a bit of SB to make sure the colors are incorporated properly. For me, the latter can be risky, because I've ended up with soap that's thicker than I intended.

I didn't know you could pre-mix your colors in oil! I recently used color for the first time, mixed 1tsp. powder in 1 Tbl of glycerin and added it to an 80oz batch of goat milk soap. WAY too much color, gonna have blue bubbles!