About to order palm oil...have questions again...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2010
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Sorry for being such a newb...but, I've googled and can't find the answer I'm looking for.

What is the difference between RBD No Stir and the sustainable palm oil?

TIA :)
I believe the difference to RBD palm oil and sustainable palm oil is related to how the palm oil is processed and the land management practices used to grow the palm.

Here is what I found.


RBD Palm Oil:
RDB palm oil is obtained from refining crude palm oil. It is a light yellow liquid and semi-solid at room temperature, melting to a clear yellow liquid on slight heating.

Sustainable palm oil is based on the following 8 principles.
1. Commitment to transparency
2. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations
3. Commitment to long-term economic and financial viability
4. Use of appropriate best practices by growers and millers
5. Environmental responsibility and conservation of natural resources and biodiversity
6. Responsible consideration for employees and for individuals and communities affected by growers and mills
7. Responsible development of new plantings
8. Commitment to continuous improvement in key areas of activity

I'm not sure how the "no stir" comes into play.
RBD no stir palm is palm oil that doesn't seperate, thus the "no stir". Sustainable palm is palm oil that is certified as harvested from sustainable farms, and not by the usual "slash & burn" method most associated witht he production of palm oil. The two terms are not exclusive, you can have RBD palm that is also sustainably sourced. I believe Columbus Foods RBD palm is sustainable.