A startling revelation ...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2017
Reaction score
Austin, TX
I’m absolutely shooked and excited at the same time!
I’m allergic to mangos (yeah I know sad) and because of that I’ve avoided mango butter.
Little did I know that for the past few years I’ve been using a product with mango (seed) butter in it, better yet, the product soothes my skin when allergens start making me all itchy scratchy! Now I’m excited to use mango butter to experiment. *happy dance*
I guess a little reading can go a long way.
*back story time*
I was reading the label of an “African Shea” lotion from Walmart and this stuff is THICC. I mean I have to uncap the bottle tap it down and squeeze to get the product out thick. So I looked at the ingredients to see if I could replicate it but less thick and as I went through the ingredients (all I could read or understand what it was) mango (seed) butter was sitting there all happy like a princess. I grabbed the original African Shea product (yes I cross test products to see if knock offs are worth it) and lo and behold there it was again mango (seed) butter. XD
I know exactly what product you're talking about and I love it for winter use!! I also do the tap and bang method to get it out of the bottle - it really should be in a jar.

Wonder why the weird allergy discrepancy?
I'm glad you found out you can use mango butter - I really like it as it isn't as greasy feeling to me as shea, but also not as hard as cocoa butter.
YAY someone else that is allergic to mango !!!
I get big welts on the palms of my hands near the fingers and on my knees and 1/2 up the thigh (though not as big a welt). Sometimes I get small itchy bumps on my hands and thighs.
Totally Weird.

No other issue with it. I got the welts when I moved to Texas and thought it was the type down there. Maybe even the Skin of the Mango was the issue.
I still eat them :rolleyes: I can't help it, it's yummy. But I have Benadryl next to me when I do it.

I can use mango Butter and never had an issue with it. :smallshrug:

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