100% natural way to scent a soap??

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Johny Benson

New Member
Feb 22, 2018
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I have made my soap bars with no smell. I want to add smell 100% naturally and also smell should not get faded during 30 days curing period. Suggest me the way to scent my soap 100% naturally and also suggest me some commonly liked flavours
Most natural scents fade, and that's probably why fragrance oils are so popular.

Ive had better luck grinding spices into oils as well as infusing, such as star anise. I put about 2 handfuls into 1-1.5lbs of oil, let them infuse on a low heat overnight, blended them, left them for a few hours, blended, left, blended, left, blended, left, then added lye and made soap. Gave a beautifully rich red-brown colour, and made any soaps close to it smell like star anise for 3-4 months. It faded eventually, but is the most successful strong scent Ive had. For a subtler pleasant smell I infused and ground a load of lemon rind and some chamomile in the same way, you really need to keep blending and resting though or the rind drys hard and gets quite scratchy.

Anchoring essential oils with clays, cinnamon oil, and corn starch helps... but will fade eventually, and can work out expensive. I made a lovely shave soap this way, with about 200 drops of basil, lemon, and tea tree. 6 months in and it still smells good.

Ive also been experimenting with putting EOs on surface of soaps after 12-24 hrs and letting them absorb in like excess oils do. Some take better than others, but I'm liking the results. Also making soap dough and adding scent after a few days is kind of the same thing. Just make sure to research your EOs before you use them.

Also, rebatches and adding eos after hp cook holds scent better
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I'm one who gave up on EO's as there are just so few that stick long term. The only one's I use are Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Patchouli, Lemongrass, Tea Tree and Lavender which I also use FO to anchor. Also, many have very low usage rates. I started out using EO's but switched over to mostly FO's as my customers like scents like Pink Sugar, Black Raspberry Vanilla, Love Spell and you can't get that with EO's.

I've never found infusing anything into oils gives any kind of scent to soap after cure.

If you do a search there are quite a few topic on just this.
Essential oils that stick and are reasonably priced:
Clove (will seize)
Cinnamon (will seize)

There are some others I'm sure, but those are the ones I use and like.
Adding to the list, ylang ylang, palmarosa and benzoin stick. Not my favorite scents, but they stick.
Star anise also sticks and is surprisingly good in chai blends. Cedar sticks and goes great with just about every EO.
Lemon 5x
Litsea Cubeba--Used to anchor citruse EOs
Orange 15x