Whipped Body/Shea Butter

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I think it also can have to do with your shipping or storage temps. I got some last sumer and it arrived melted, which I expected. But it has been gritty ever since, even though I tried to remelt and cool quickly. I just use that batch in soap, and got some more for whipped butters & lotions.
I am so excited to see this recipe because while I like my whipped shea butter that I made recently, it really wasn't as "whipped" as I was hoping for and I thought to myself, why not just whip it without melting it first? I'm glad to see that that's an option.

As for graininess, I can't comment on long term success, but I have been able to successfully remove all graininess by simply melting the shea butter in a dish in the microwave, stirring it, and sticking it in the fridge to harden. Works like a charm. I do it in 16 oz batches. I'm not sure if doing a larger batch all at once would have the same effectiveness or not.

I definitely plan to order some Butter EZ (from Lotioncrafters) because I've heard that that solves the problem long term, even with future temperature changes. My way seems to work well, but I haven't tested it over the long haul.
Stupid question here, but...
Would coloring this with oxides or micas be a really stupid idea (since your skin will absorb it)? Might sound odd, but I could see beautiful jars of pastel colors for easter/spring. If it's possible, how would you add it and is it going to color your skin as well? Thanks for the input!
Not a stupid question! I don't color lotions/stuff that stays on the skin because I don't want the color or glittery look on my skin. (Used mica in lotion bars one time and I was glittered all over!)

I might use something like that in the summer time (like a very small amount of gold mica or something). But I think it is okay to use any skin safe colorant if you want to.
I received my shea butter from WSP yesterday so I made this and its fantastic. I also made one with shealoe...that one is pretty good too but not as smooth and creamy as with shea butter.
It needs 7-10 minutes with a hand mixer/electric blender (like for making whipped cream) - I don't think you'd be able to get the fluffiness you'd want without your arm falling off.
I've been having fun with my butters! The first one I made with mango butter, shea butter, argan oil, hemp oil, and borage oil and Vit E. I used too much butter and not enough oil, and didn't whip long enough. It got hard and crumbly. :( So I remelted it, added some jojoba oil and whipped more. Not as hard, but still not right. Oh well, it's just for my son so it doesn't have to be pretty. lOL I made it for the benefits of the oils.

Second batch was a whipped mango because I was going for non greasy. So just mango, FCO, hemp oil, Vit E and cornstarch. Nice and fluffy! :) LOVE it! Still a tad greasy, but it soaks in in about 10 minutes. I have cocoa butter I haven't played with yet, and SWO...
Supposed to get more snow on Saturday so I'll have more time to play with the butters!
So I just made this (halved the recipe, holy does it make a lot!) and scented with Pina Colada and Island Coconut FO. I found it to be a tad greasy on my first leg, and then used about half the amount on my second leg. It's been about 10 minutes and my second leg is completely absorbed in and my first is still a tad greasy. (I guess a little goes a LONG way). I whipped with a hand blender for over 10 minutes and it's still a tad "gritty" but as someone mentioned the grit absorbs instantly when applying. Do people expect body butter to be a bit greasy? I know when I used to use Body Shop body butter in the summer time I'd come home and have bits of sand stuck to the back of my legs because that stuff just never absorbed. What's your take?
I think don't use so much, it should be like a light layer, not so much that dirt and sand is sticking to you. Like you said little goes a long way, so less is better on your leg.
My sister doesn't like it, it doesn't absorb into her skin at all, it literally sits on her skin. For me, I LOVE it. It sits on my skin for 1-2 minutes and I can't put my jacket on or anything like that, but right after I make soap or wash dishes, I put it on and in a couple minutes it's absorbed and my hands are so happy :D

I got some maltodextrin (tapioca starch) that I saw someone (I think carebear?) mention to absorb some of the oil and am going to try another batch with that and see if it is nicer for her.
Just made this but I won't see my sister for at least a few days to get a true test out of it, but it seems to be much less greasy. I halved the recipe again and used about 2tsp starch in 2.5tsp glycerin (I don't know if those are the right amounts to use, I read the glycerin helps the butter with creaminess and it was a good way to blend in the starch). It soaks in faster and the shiny look goes away quicker, feels more like I used lotion. It's actually quite nice, but I think I'll tinker with the oils and amount of starch a lot more before I settle on a keeper.
AmyW said:
Just made this but I won't see my sister for at least a few days to get a true test out of it, but it seems to be much less greasy. I halved the recipe again and used about 2tsp starch in 2.5tsp glycerin (I don't know if those are the right amounts to use, I read the glycerin helps the butter with creaminess and it was a good way to blend in the starch). It soaks in faster and the shiny look goes away quicker, feels more like I used lotion. It's actually quite nice, but I think I'll tinker with the oils and amount of starch a lot more before I settle on a keeper.
Be careful with the glycerin with only oils/butters formula. Over time, the glycerin can seep out and weep, since it's not compatible with oil soluble ingredients.
Oooo that's good to know, thank you! I'll leave it out next time, or maybe figure out something so it doesn't do that, if there is such a way.
I tried this a few months ago and didn't care for it much. I felt it was too greasy, but after reading this post yesterday I tried it again, and realized before I hadn't been mixing it long enough. Mixing it longer helped to blend the ingredients better resulting in a less-greasy product. I used it after my shower this morning! Love it!

Anyway, just wanted to thank you for posting this, because I wouldn't have tried it again.