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Active Member
Dec 21, 2009
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So I've jumped into CP soap making.. Loving it and wishing I had more hours of the day to (make soap) experiment/learn.

I've used the same basic recipe in all my batches.. I'm brand new to this so wanted to take it slow, experiment etc. I've played with a couple of natural colorants, scented a few with some FO's I picked up.. But I'd really like to experiment with some palm, other FO's and colors.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to place an order with Columbus foods for Oils as they seem to be the least expensive....

However, I'm totally overwhelmed with the FO and Color suppliers out there. I read and read the forums, check the scent review board.. and pick a supplier.. then I read another post of another supplier.. and think.. maybe I should shop there instead.

Is it half a dozen or the other? Should I just jump in and order some scents and colors that appeal to me? (after that acceleration I had I'll check the boards first tho, lol) I tell you picking a company to purchase from is becoming painful for me! I can't spend a lot right now, so I want my pick to be of value.. Grr.. maybe I'm just over thinking this, lol.

How do you/ did you pick your first FO's and Colorants?
I first bought FOs and colourants from Wholesale Supplies Plus. Good scents, reasonably priced. I've also ordered from Canadian suppliers, Voyageur and Cranberry Lane and they are marvellous scents and colourants.

I'm anxiously awaiting an order from Peak Candle and Soap. You can get a sampler pack of ten scents for 20 dollars plus shipping and if you use their promo code, provided it's still on, there is a sale for 40% off said pack.
There are definitely differences between the various FO suppliers. Some have better FOs than others, there are some pretty huge differences in the levels of customer service, and some places tend to have more of one type of FO than another.

A quick example of the last is Moonworks. The FOs I've ordered from them are far more complex and "deeper" than those from most other suppliers. (Also excellent customer service, by the way.) Daystar has a lot of dupes of famous fragrances including a lot of the L*sh scents, and they're another company with great customer service. Wholesale Supplies has a little of everything and their customer service and pricing isn't bad at all, plus they offer free shipping on FOs, which is definitely nice.

There are a bunch of other suppliers that carry one or two fragrances that I just adore, but I'd probably go with WSP for your first FO order just for the free shipping, that can save you a ton of money plus they have a really wide variety and some nice fragrances.
I'd second WSP mostly because of their variety of merchandise and good customer service. Also before you order your oils from Columbus foods... do a price comparison per pound with WSP on the oils you need. I definitely do order from Columbus but sometimes have found that WSP is comparable or even cheaper on some... and if I'm already placing an order with them for other supplies then this saves me paying 2 shipping fees.

For some consistently very good scents I would also check out Southern Garden Scents. Some places I've ordered from have been very disappointing and nothing like what I imagined based on the description... and of course you can't return it so like everyone I've accumulated some things I'll likely never use. So far SGS has been all winners... the only disappointment being a very wonderful smelling mint FO that had some vanilla and turned everything very brown... but that's the nature of vanilla scents.

Good luck!
I've been looking at Peak, too. Does the term "gel-safe" (used to describe some of their fragrances) mean that these fragrances won't fade during the gel stage of soap, or are they referring to something else entirely?
Definitely huge difference between some suppliers.
Personally, I have found that you really do get what you pay for. I went a little crazy in the very beginning and purchased quite a bit of cheap oils from a few different vendors, and had one order from a very reputable vendor (Scent Works). I can't even begin to tell you what a huge difference there was in the quality of the oils. HUGE.

I highly recommend Scent Works, even though their FOs are usually quite pricey they are worth it.
Another vendor I highly recommend is Daystar, lovely FOs, decent prices and excellent customer service!
Soapsupplies has some really nice FOs, I loved everything in my order and she does flat rate shipping which is awesome.

I had really mixed impressions of WSP, I only liked two out of six FOs I ordered from them. Fast shipping though, and they ship their FOs in glass bottles so you don't have to re-bottle them (which I need to do with all my others... some day...)
Nature's Garden is 50/50 with me right now as far as FOs goes, but no issue with service.

Tennessee Candle has VERY reasonably priced FOs, especially on sale. I do like *some* of what I bought from there, but only about 25%. The rest were a waste of $$ for me. Worth it to experiment with, but I probably won't order again.
Gelluminations/Brighter Scents... is dirt cheap, and there's a reason. Let's leave it at that, LOL!

My next "must try" vendors are BrambleBerry, Just Scents and Symphony Scents.
Kat Soap said:
I've been looking at Peak, too. Does the term "gel-safe" (used to describe some of their fragrances) mean that these fragrances won't fade during the gel stage of soap, or are they referring to something else entirely?

I'm not a candle maker but I believe "gel-safe" has nothing to do with soap but rather for a type of gel candle. In case you don't know not all candle fragrances are soap safe. Be very sure that any fragrance or colorant you buy specifically says that it is safe for your skin.
I'm currently in the same boat you are. :) Hubby and I just started soaping. Turns out he gets *almost* as excited as I do... he's even been picking up random things for me to use as molds. XD Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I just got an order from Peak Candles. The service there was very good. I forgot to use the promo code(which, by the way is 2010 rocks) and they refunded me for it. I havn't had the chance to soap with any of it yet, because my order arrived just before I left for work last night, but they smell pretty good in the bottle(most of them anyway).
evatgirl73 said:
...My next "must try" vendors are BrambleBerry, Just Scents and Symphony Scents.

You will not be disappointed in Brambleberry. They have wonderful products. When I need FO's it's either WSP, Brambleberry or Peak. I prefer WSP because it's fairly close to my home and I often have my order within 2 days :)
i like wsp and oils by nature and soapers choice for oils, i like peak for fos, also naturesgarden and bittercreek. I always buy the samples packs, (10 -1 ouncers for 20 or so)and the places i mention all offer the sample deal. aLso, when you order samplers you can order 2 or 3 of the same fo.
oh, i forgot some fo places
aroma haven( their oatmeal mlik and honey is really good, and lovespell
berts heaven scent
For FOs I've used: Oregon Trails, Southern Soapers, Brambleberry and Southern Garden Scents. I've been pleased with each one of them- good customer service and great scents.
It would be so cool to be able to order from just one place for all my FO needs, but since no single supplier has the corner an all the best FOs (each have their hits and misses), I order from many suppliers. There are so many good vendors out there, many of which have been mentioned in this thread. The ones that I personally find myself using the most are Daystar, Scent Works, WSP, Peaks, MMS, Oregon Trails, and Southern Soapers. Each have gobs of great FOs as well as excellent service.

IrishLass :)
Thanks for the suggestions.. Now off to wrap my arms around what actual FO's I want.. I think I've at least narrowed it down to some categories to start with (think I'll try some spa, woods, and maybe some light bakery)

This afternoon I made a wish list from Daystar and WSP. I see Daystar has some clearance items so maybe I'll grab those first.. and will check out sampler packs from the sites mentioned.
Keep in mind that clearance items sometimes mean the item will no longer be available for purchase. Real bummer to buy a FO on clearance and fall in love with the fragrance only to learn they don't carry it any more. :cry:
rubyslippers said:
Keep in mind that clearance items sometimes mean the item will no longer be available for purchase. Real bummer to buy a FO on clearance and fall in love with the fragrance only to learn they don't carry it any more. :cry:
"Tis better to have love and lost Than never to have loved at all"
Good ol' Tennyson!
I really like WSP for general supplies, such as oils/butters. Very fairly priced for me. They also have a few FO's that I really like...and I'm a fan of some of their essential oil blends as well, such as the Bladderwrack blend.

For scents, I LOVE Scent Works...some of my all-time favorites are from there...and I've rarely been disappointed by Peaks, as long as you order an oil specified as skin-safe...not all of their stuff is, and a lot of them are better suited for candles. I find their scents are very true to their names.

I love Just Scent, but I make candles, and have only used Becky's oils in candlemaking...never have soaped with them, so I don't have any valuable input on that. I would love to learn that many of her oils work well in soap, as some of her oils are to die for.
xyxoxy said:
Kat Soap said:
I've been looking at Peak, too. Does the term "gel-safe" (used to describe some of their fragrances) mean that these fragrances won't fade during the gel stage of soap, or are they referring to something else entirely?

I'm not a candle maker but I believe "gel-safe" has nothing to do with soap but rather for a type of gel candle. In case you don't know not all candle fragrances are soap safe. Be very sure that any fragrance or colorant you buy specifically says that it is safe for your skin.

wookie130 said:
I really like WSP for general supplies, such as oils/butters. Very fairly priced for me. They also have a few FO's that I really like...and I'm a fan of some of their essential oil blends as well, such as the Bladderwrack blend.

For scents, I LOVE Scent Works...some of my all-time favorites are from there...and I've rarely been disappointed by Peaks, as long as you order an oil specified as skin-safe...not all of their stuff is, and a lot of them are better suited for candles. I find their scents are very true to their names.

I love Just Scent, but I make candles, and have only used Becky's oils in candlemaking...never have soaped with them, so I don't have any valuable input on that. I would love to learn that many of her oils work well in soap, as some of her oils are to die for.

I received two soaps from someone else that had been made using FOs from Just Scent, and they were wonderfully scented, very complex and nice. :)

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