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It might be my nose so don't worry about the Island Coconut.I like to open a bottle and have the smell hit me ,with the Island Coconut it was well l can understand where the name came from but where's the wow factor.I blended it with some Pineapple l had and it gave it the kick it needed.I like my fragrances strong so if l had to buy a coconut based fragrance it would have to be something a bit stronger than Island kiss.
Does anybody know of any supplier that has good bases in Australia apart from Aussiesoapsupplies,l think they have the monopoly on the market but it makes me so mad that we pay over triple what the States pay and half of what the UK pays for our good quality bases,I do buy a small amount from an Ebay seller that has not bad soap base just so l can have a play without feeling like l am using liquid gold.
i havent bought from them latley, but.. there almond is great, as is arabian spice(although someone said it reminded them of church?) catholic i guess, myrhh etc, kentish rain is an awesome mens fo(limited edition), and kumquat. omh is good.
oh good - i have kumquat, and have added kentish rain to my wishlist...

clare, a question....who exactly is this thread enabling?????
I know who's pocket its dis-enabling :lol:
Every time somebody says they like a fragrance and l haven't got it ,the little devil in my head says "I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW" worse than my Grandkids :lol: :lol:
pops, the thing is, now, we don't have to ask permission, and (hopefully) have our own funds to do as we please.
i'm expecting to get my ASS (what an acronym!!!) package tomorrow....i really don't need anymore stuff, but i want it.
clare....is this a contest??? i don't know whether i want to be in this contest....trying to be the winner might cause me to become the most financially challenged.....besides, i do the most insensible thing and order 100ml bottles because i like them, althought the sampler was a nice way to go to start....but i want 100ml bottles now - they give me room to experiment.
Whisks..Sorry its not Island Kiss l don't like its Island coconut.I label the tops of my bottles so l don't have to pull them all out when l am looking for a fragrance and l had put the wrong top back on the bottle.In fact l rather like Island kiss ,its a nice fresh citrus with a touch of floral in the background.I have now edited my previous posting.
Sorry for the the misleading information my excuse is old age which is not just creeping up its bl...galloping. :lol:
pops, never mind me - i can't even get my days right.....i thought yesterday was sunday.....i'm wishing time ahead because i just want to get my hands on more stuff!!!
pops1 said:

Does anybody know of any supplier that has good bases in Australia apart from Aussiesoapsupplies,l think they have the monopoly on the market but it makes me so mad that we pay over triple what the States pay and half of what the UK pays for our good quality bases,I do buy a small amount from an Ebay seller that has not bad soap base just so l can have a play without feeling like l am using liquid gold.

Pops, Heirloom do some B&B bases,as well as M&P. Escentials have M&P,& New Directions have B&B bases too.No idea on quality tho,but it may be somewhere to start..
i've just opened my parcel from ASS and here is my first impression whiff rundown:

lemon verbena - lovely
ginger fish - sherbety - reminds me of the powdery sherbet we had as children
island kiss - light and lovely
neroli - heavy
energy - lemony

on a recent soap smelling trip, my friend and i found neroli and lemon verbena to be the nicest smelling soaps; the other fragrances, i just bought purely on description.
so what did you end up getting, clare?
which ones have you soaped and how did they go? ie, acceleration/discolouration?

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