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Jan 14, 2011
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My name is Angela and I'm from Los Angeles, CA. I am a Birth Doula and offer placenta encapsulation services.

I'm also having this urge to make herbal natural soaps and I don't know where to start :D

I had an urge a couple years ago to become a doula. I think it would be a fabulous job!
Hi and welcome to the forum! :D

Here are a couple of links to get you going.
SMF Tutorials
Soap Making Information Center

Also, you can search the forum for a basic soap making recipe such as olive oil, coconut oil and soybean oil (crisco). You should be able to find these oils in your local stores. As for the lye (sodium hydroxide). You may have to order this item from a supplier online.
Welcome! You'll love this forum, soooo much good information and nice helpful people, I'm already addicted and I haven't made my first batch yet :)

Doulas are worth their weight in gold. I almost hired a doula with my 4th hospital birth but did an unassisted homebirth instead.
doula - marvelous and welcome!!!

placental encapsulation - er, um... I'll pass on that part.

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