Vanilla 20X - OK for soap??

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surf girl

Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2008
Reaction score
Vancouver Island, BC
I posted in the EO forum, but there's not a lot of action over there (except: thanks for your help, digit!).

Has anybody used this (thick, sticky) stuff for CP soap? How???

And if not, what can I use it up in?

I guess I can't eat it... :lol:
Can't help you surf girl, sorry, but I can keep you company. I have read online that you put the bottle in a warm water bath to melt it before use....not sure how much or even if it will work in CP as far as completely incorporating...? :roll:

Tanya :)
Well thanks for keeping me company, topcat. I keep anxiously checking back to this thread, hoping someone will know what to do with this stuff.

I put a small plop of it into the microwave to see what would happen. Nada. Tried adding some olive oil and then microwaving it. Nada. Just a blobby ploppy splodge of... vanilla.

Sniff. Sniff. I LOVE vanilla.
What is this vanilla stuff you are talking about Surf Girl? Is it vanilla extract that comes in a little jar, quite expensive, smells very strongly of vanilla, kind of a dark jellyish substance with darker dots in it?
topcat, New Directions is where I ordered it from. Perhaps I should email them for advice. This bit:"Consistency: Thick viscous paste" - THEY ARE NOT KIDDING.

Chrissy, it's kind of like tar. Comes in a typical EO bottle with a dropper. Ha! Who are they kidding. I am just befuddled.
did you search the forum over there? i seem to remember a thread or two on it.

ETA: Just took a peek over there. There is at least one thread of frustration over Vanilla including the 20X. The MSDS says it is soluble in water and in alcohol (and mmisible in oils - which means it CANNOT dissolve in oils) ... dmsdsl.htm.

EATA: and yes I believe you CAN eat it if you wish LOL. It's extracted with food grade solvents. So make your own vanilla extract maybe by mixing with alcohol.
How do I melt this sucker, though? After about a total of 60 seconds (in various bursts ranging from 5 to 20 seconds), a pea-sized blob remained a pea-sized blob, even sitting in olive oil. Maybe I'll try a bit in a water bath thing. I'm reluctant to use large amounts in my experimentation because I have just the one wee bottle. (Although, what does it matter if I can't use it anyway? Grrr.

Woops - posted before I refreshed my page, didn't see your reply, carebear. Well, that explains the olive oil failure. Perhaps I'll try some vodka. And if it doesn't work, I'll drink it.

Thanks to you, too, TessV!