using tiny molds

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Active Member
Oct 21, 2012
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England. UK.
Like ice cube tray sized. I have a silicone mold with about 12 little heart shapes. Would like tomake little soaps to wrap and give as a present. I'm wondering how to pour the soap into these little molds? I'd appreciate any tips!

Thank you.
Ive never poured into moulds that small, but what about putting your soap into a squeeze bottle than 'piping' the soap in? And I would assume you would need to work at a light to medium trace. If your trace is thicker that that perhaps you could glop or spoon the soap the best you can. Than before it sets scrape off the extra that is spilled. A bench scrapper, or off set spatula may work to help tidy up. (make sure they are not aluminum) But as I said Ive never done this, maybe someone who has will jump in here, good luck!
At light trace I pour the soap from a pitcher.
at thicker trace I pour a little soap in a freezer bag, cut the corner and presses the soap into the mold,
while my husband shakes / banks mold on the table.
Light trace works best.
Hi and thanks for your responses. The recipe i use only ever seems to get to light trace anyway unless i add certain fragrance then it thickens up. I like the squeeze bottle idea thanks!