swirling...maybe i shouldnt, lol

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Active Member
Jan 11, 2011
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Well the guys in my family wanted soap, i thought id try a B&W swirl......I think I have it right, and then my batch thickens up on me...and i end up with this!!!! so i tossed in some soap balls to try and hide the bad swirl lol. scented with paco xs, very nice manly smell!!

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I think it looks great! I would have been thrilled If I had achieved a swirl that looked like yours turned out. However, I think the soap balls make it more fun looking. :D

I think you're being too hard on yourself. We are our own worst critics.
I think swirls require lots and lots and lots (did I say lots?) of experience. Mine are still a work in progress. I find it's best to go with the flow and if your soap batter thickens too quickly or not quickly enough, to be flexible and change your vision. Like you did. Adding the embeds was a great idea. And I like the swirl you got. Looks kind of like smoke.
judymoody said:
I find it's best to go with the flow

Very punny. :lol:

Judy expressed it very well about being flexible. I know I have a certain vision in my head on what I want the soap to look like when it's done and I'm 99% of the time disappointed. However, I usually think the soap is kind of nice once I get over my disappointment.

The swirls do look like smoke.
Looks great. Did you use anything to make those size balls?
no, i just made them by hand, i have various sizes and colours premade.....waiting to be used!!
Very creative way to save a swirl that is less than what you wanted....congratulations! I think the final bars look great.

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